chapter 22

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"It would be better if sophia and Knox talk about this alone," Dante said, his eyes giving a knowing look to Knox whose jaw was ticking all the while as he stared at his mate who was wringing her fingers together out of nervousness, not looking up at him.

"N-no, I don't wanna talk to him alone, had he been civil he would have sorted everything out with me then, he took it to this level, if he has something to say he can say it right now," Sophia said, trying to look brave but she silently shook under her mates penetrating gaze, as he gave her a 'we shouldn't do this here' look.

"Sophia, baby it'll be better if we talk about this alone," Knox stated, this time speaking gently, his grey eyes now assuring, but Sophia stubborn as always refused her mate's request and looked the other way.

"You wanna know why I did what I did?" Now it was Knox's turn to lose his temper, as his handsome face turned dark and his eyes became cold.

"You wanna know why I didn't want you pregnant??

"BECAUSE MY MOTHER DIED GIVING BIRTH TO ME, I watched my father succumb to the darkness of losing his mate, the pain he went through, and I know this may be selfish but Sophia, 

I will NOT live without you, I don't care if it's at the cost of our own child, I'd rather not have a child than lose you," he roared, as he got up in a rage, clenching his fists to stop himself from turning, his eyes thunderous.

Sophia started sobbing, venus and James holding onto her, frightened by Knox's state while Dante and Gabriel tried to hold him back.

"VENUS LEAVE NOW!" Dante thundered

Venus tried to pull sophia up who shook her head, silently telling them to go while she slowly got up and walked towards Knox who was held down by Dante and Gabriel.

"Sophia don't!" Gabriel warned, not wanting her fragile state to be put in any harm

She gave him a trembling smile and indicated for them to leave.

"Sophia i don't think-" Dante started but got cut off by Sophia who gently held Knox's handsome face between her delicate hands.

They took the signal and left, leaving them alone in the living room.

He growled loudly and she jumped back in surprise.

"Knox," Sophia called out softly, looking at the tense tall man in front of her, who had his face turned to the other side breathing heavily.

"Baby please look at me," she begged, as she slowly started walking towards him, as his jaw ticked yet he didn't move.

She stood in front of his rigid form, achingly slow she stood on her toes and wrapped her arms gently around his neck, pulling him to her for a hug, 

the fact that a delicate person like Sophia was treating someone as strong as Knox with such gentleness and care, it pained him, how despite everything she treated him with such care and love.

As he breathed in deeply and gently put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to himself but he hesitated, he didn't wanna hurt the baby.

As if Sophia read his mind she giggled at him and shook her head, taking his large hand she placed it on her very small baby bump and looked at Knox with blue eyes wide with wonder.

Knox stood there in awe, and everything started sinking in, he was going to be a father.

"I'm so sorry," he choked out, his grey eyes filled with pain.

Sophia shook her head and smiled, standing on her toes to reach his tall height as she placed a soft kiss on his lips, one he was urgent to return but Sophia placed her hands on his chest.

"Knox I want you to know something, just because there was an incident that happened in the past, doesn't mean it will happen again and I wish you had told me sooner."

"Sophia I wanted to tell you, but I feared you would reject or leave me, you've always talked about us having pups of our own but how could I tell you I didn't want to have any, with this constant fear that I might lose you?" Knox said,

She gently pushed a few locks of hair back from his forehead and looked into his eyes, assuring him.

"I'm not going anywhere I'm right here, I promise you that, I need you to trust me Knox, and let go of the past, 

you are not the reason your mother passed away, I can see you blame yourself for it, its the will of the moon goddess, you can't blame yourself for something that you can't control my love,"

Knox realized this was going to be a long pregnancy, he had to come to terms with the fact that things were going to be okay and he had to stop overthinking it.

Knox nodded his head, all the while thinking about how lucky he was to have a mate like Sophia, made for him, to spend their lives together.

"You know you're my everything right?" He asked, with so much aching emotion in his voice Sophia felt tears fill her eyes, she gave him a teary smile and teased,

"Why beta Knox you're too cheesy,"

"Only for you babe," he teased back with a wink.

He dipped his head down and was about to capture her lips, just as he was about to the door was thrown open, James and venus panting there panting, eyes wide.

Behind them, Gabriel groaned and Dante rolled his eyes,

"Babe I told you they were okay," Gabriel scolded

While James gave him a guilty smile and looked back at the beta and his mate.

"Wait so everything is okay ....?" Venus asked hesitantly

Dante came up behind her and pulled her to himself by her waist, whispering something into her ear that made her blush gorgeously as she lightly elbowed him in the ribs.

"Dante!" She hissed, as the alpha smirked at her.

"Get a room you two ugh," James muttered.

"Can we have dinner first please you guys can fight later I'm hungry," Sophia whined, as Knox has his arms protectively around her waist.

Everyone chuckled, realising Sophia would be a hungry she-wolf all the time, and before her pregnancy temper kicked in they better get her some food quick.

Chuckling they all left the living room to start preparing some dinner, which ended with Sophia giving her mate a scolding because he took fries from her plate, and as Sophia oh so nicely stated,

"BETA KNOX I AM THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD, I AM NOW EATING FOR TWO, IF YOUR FAT SELF WANTS MORE FRIES, THE KITCHEN IS RIGHT THERE SIR!" She said, as she furiously pointed towards the kitchen using her fork,

And everyone dissolved into gales and laughter. 

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