Chapter 2- Testing, testing... 1, 2, 3

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"It's hurt, mother..." He sobbed in his mother's protective arms. Both of them sitting on the corner of the darkroom, his father fell asleep on the bed while holding a shattered glass that stained with fresh blood, still dripping down the ash-grey carpet. His mother hushed him, carelessly brushed his wet hair and wiped away the blood from his forehead. 

"I'm hungry, mother..." He whispered as low as he could in this deadly quiet room. His stomach growling louder than his voice, he rubbed his empty stomach and looked up to his mother wan and sallow face. His mother looked down at her boy and forced a smile, she whispered.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Tears streaming down her pale face. Abruptly, he feels something tangled inside him when he saw how they sustained from that monster... 

Deep down something dark established into his soul... Something unpredictable, something ugly... 

He cupped his mother's cheeks and give her a big wide smile.  

"Smile, mother... Father wouldn't like it if we don't smile~" He whispered with a sing-song tone, which caused his mother's eyes wide open with shock. 


Alastor let out a hysterical laugh. This is fascinating! His shadow rosed up from the ground, getting more liberal just like like it's master. Alastor getting taller and was in his demonic form. His horns growing from sides and his eyes turned into radio dials, spinning each time he butchered a demon. Under his dark red coat spread out and a collection of voodoo dolls rushed out, attacking whoever they saw. 

His shadow protected Alastor from whoever tried to sneak attack him, killed them cruelly without any hesitation or mercy. 

After that, when Alastor finally satisfied his fun at the city, he begins to trample powerful demons who've been in charge for centuries in a single day. Then, he broadcasted this carnage on the radio for everyone to hear, and thus earned the nickname "Radio Demon".


Lucifer sighed at the mess the newcomer made for him. Half of the city was destroyed and almost 60 percent of the residents died brutally in the hand of the newcomer, all of their hearts missing too. Maybe because the newcomer discovered that by eating a demon's heart, your power will grow? 

"This is bad..." He laughed. Then grimaced when he heard something... It was someone who was broadcasting about his rampage and it seemed like the host was in high spirits today. He looking around, there's nothing that helped the host to spread his broadcast. So Lucifer assumed that the host was using his magic to broadcasting his rampage all over the hell. Lucifer turned his head to the east, he followed the magic flow until he saw somebody standing on top of the building, holding a microphone-like cane and speaking passionately. 

"Oh?" Lucifer's eyes wide open with surprise when he saw who were the mysterious host was.


Alastor ears twitched when he saw somebody coming toward him. His shadow growled, baring its fangs at the incoming demon. 

"What do we have here?" Alastor frowned a little when he noticed the powerful magic overflowing from the demon body. He snapped his fingers, he was going to end his broadcast quickly before the demon arrives. 

"I don't know that the infamous Radio Demon was an adorable red deer!" The demon landed in front of him gracefully, a superior smile on his face. Alastor let out a low growl at the tease. The demon chuckled and slowly approaching Alastor, his power immediately triumph over Alastor's as he was now a few feet away from Alastor. His demon instincts are telling him to escape from whoever the demon is. 

"Well yes, my name is Alastor, The Radio Demon! It's pressure to meet you!" Alastor let himself unfazed by the powerful demon and introduced himself with his usual cheery tone. The demon smiled even wider as he spoke.

"My name is Lucifer, and I'm the ruler of hell! It's pressure to meet you too~" Alastor gulped, this isn't someone he could mess with!

"Well then, Alastor... Let me tell you straight... I have never seen before a human soul possessed such raw power. It was quiet impressive!" Lucifer said, twirling the apple cane. Alastor's ears twitched uncomfortably at the compliment from the ruler of hell. His shadow let out a warning growl.

"Let's go before it's too late, Alastor!" His shadow warned, there was a hint of terror in his shadow's sound. Alastor chooses to ignore his shadow warning, despite the overwhelmed pressure in the air. 

"Why thank you, my (*or 'your'? IDK) excellency~!" Alastor smiled wider at the king, gripped his cane tighter.

"Now, Alastor. I assumed that you remember what you did just now?" Lucifer asked, tilted his head and staring at Alastor with a smile that getting on Alastor's nerves. Alastor laughed, crooked his head to one side. His eyes turned into radio dials and voodoo symbols floating around them. 

"Why yes, I remembered it as clear as crystal!" He said cheerfully, unfazed by what the most powerful demon in front of him would do to him if he said the truth. In a twinkling of an eye, Lucifer appeared behind Alastor and pinned the radio demon down the floor. Alastor let out a warning snarl, his demonic form slowly appeared.

"Well, Alastor, unfortunately for you. Right now you only have one choice which is to obediently follow me to my palace and we can avoid an unnecessary fight-" Alastor cut off Lucifer's words as he took his chance to push the king away from him. Lucifer grunted, sliding a few feet back from the radio demon. A look of annoyance on Lucifer's face as he adjusted his hat and clothes. 

"Looks like we have a disobedient deer running in the hell!" Lucifer growled. Alastor staring at him with wide eyes, his radio dials eyes spinning rapidly. 

"You left me no choice then..." Lucifer muttered as his power overflowing from his body. Alastor froze for a few seconds by how scary Lucifer's power were but he quickly regains his position, snarling at Lucifer. Lucifer let out an amused laugh, he had found an entertaining demon to play with! 

"I will bring you back no matter what it cost..." Lucifer thought as he begins his fight with the radio demon. 


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