Part 1: Ride To Hell

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Everyone in the marching band just finished a competition. We were all happy because we got grand champions.

Christian: How the fuck did we get grand champions??

Isaiah: Exactly like we some shit.

Kenya: It don't matter tho. All that really matter is the fact that we got grand champion tho.

Christian: You right.

Mr. K: Good job guys. Y'all did an outstanding job. Head back to the buses and we'll talk more when we get back to the band room.

Everyone started walking back to the buses.
Ronnie: I still can't believe we got grand champions.

Kenya: I know right. like for real tho that's crazy.

Everyone was still hype about getting grand champion. Josh, Cj, Rakawn, Chaz and Danielle were in the back of the bus playing music and everyone else was just chilling.

Eli: Yo I'm tired b

Kenya: Then go to sleep you fucker.

Eli: Why I gotta be a fucker now??

Kenya: Because I said so.

Eli: Oh ight then.

The bus driver walked on the bus very slowly and sat down.

Ronnie: Does the bus driver look weird to you??

Kenya: That's not nice.

Ronnie: No I'm serious go look

Kenya: -gets up and walks toward the front of the bus-

Kenya: Umm excuse me bus driver.

Bus driver: Yes ma'am.

Kenya: Not to be rude but you don't look like the same person who brought us up here.

Bus driver: Now now sweety your other bus driver had an accident going back home and she couldn't come back so I'm taking her place.

Kenya: Ok I was just checking.

Bus driver: Is that ok with you??

Kenya: -doesn't respond and walks back to her seat-

The bus driver starts the bus.

Ronnie: I have a bad feeling about her.

Kenya: For why??

Ronnie: I don't know it's just she doesn't look right and the change of bus drivers is crazy and I just don't like it.

Kenya: Well you gotta live with it because how else are we going to get home??

Ronnie: Thats true

Kenya: Excuse me bus driver. This isn't the way back to Hampton.

Bus driver: -says in a creepy voice- now I was born and raised in Hampton I know what I'm doing. I'm just taking a short cut.

Kenya: Ok. I was just checking.

Ronnie: I'm telling you, this isn't right.

The bus driver takes a sharp turn into some trees and everyone wakes up. She drives through scary looking portal and we ended up in a scary looking place. The second bus suddenly comes crashing through the portal. The portal closes very slowly.
Eli: Wtf just happened an where tf are we??

Kenya: I don't know. Someone should go check it out.

Everyone on the other bus already got off the bus to see what was going on. Everyone on the first bus gets off to.

Deon: Where tf are we??

Tacaree: How do we get back home??

Both bus drivers stand side by side and speak in unison.

Bus Drivers: You won't be going home until out little game is over.

Dasho: What game??

The bus drivers morph into one big ugly creature.

Ugly creature: Now that I have your attention, here at the hell dome, we play a very entertaining game with all our "delightful" guests.

Isaiah: What Game Dammit??

Ugly creature: Everyone has 4 days until the portal opens back up. Some of my "friends" will come and "visit" you every day at any given time. You have to fight to stay alive. If and when you die, I will feast on your flesh. If you happen to make it four days, you will be free to go back to your petty world. Until the end... Your time begins now.

The whole band stood there trying to understand what just happened. A big flash appeared in the sky. Everyone was scared half to death. No one knew what to do except panic. Tears were rushing down some faces. Others were just furious. They didn't know what to do

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