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I sighed as I looked at the clock ticking on the wall. The morning rush did not kill as much time as I thought it had. I just wanted today to be over and to go home and crawl into bed and never come out.

"Hi," a familiar voice said. I looked up to find Brendan setting his stuff down on the table next to where I was cleaning.

"Hi," I whispered.

He paused. "What's wrong, Abby?" He asked as he came into view.

"I left my husband," I rushed out, as if saying it out loud would rip the band-aid off and make it hurt less.  It didn't.  I blinked a few times. I did not want to cry at work.

"You left him?" he said, astonished. "What happened?"

I sighed and took a seat across from him, placing my face in my hands. "It's a long story. But basically, he didn't see me anymore. It's like over the years I've just vanished into the background. I didn't matter anymore. And I started to feel like I didn't matter too. That I wasn't worth caring about. I hated feeling that like. So I told him I was leaving him. And he basically admitted that he did something wrong." I wiped away the traitor tear that managed to slip down my face.

Brendan tilted my face up so I had to look at him. "First of all, I'm sorry you are going through this. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Secondly, you do matter. And you are so, so worth it." His eyes burned with the intensity of his words. "If it wasn't a horrible time to do it, I would kiss you senseless right now to prove it to you."

I blinked, completely shocked. Now was not the time.

He chuckled softly.  "Oh, don't look so surprised. You're an amazing girl. You're beautiful, and smart. You're witty and fun to be around. You're so kind to everyone who comes in here, even the asshole suits who are rude to you. I saw you pay for that older gentleman's tea and pastry the other day when he forgot his wallet." His eyes softened. "I'm sorry your dumbass husband was too stupid to see how amazing you are."

New fresh tears leaked out of my eyes. Sure, Mark once said nice things to me, but never on this level. Brendan gently wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"No more of that, okay?" I nodded. "Now put on that pretty smile of yours and go help that customer that just walked in. I'll be waiting when you're ready for me."

"Thank you," I whispered through the lump in my throat. I wiped under my eyes and threw my arms around him in a quick hug before hurrying off towards the counter.

I wiped my eyes again to ensure I didn't smear my makeup and smiled at the customer. He told me his order and I got it ready for him. Handing it off with a smile, I made Brendan his usual cup of coffee.  I walked over, putting it down on the table in front of him, and flashed him a smile as I headed back to the counter. He raised his cup to me and smiled back. I knew in that instant that things would be okay. Maybe not now, maybe not even soon, but eventually, things would be okay.

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