7 - Secrets

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After my daring escape, the mansion felt like a fortress, its security doubled. It seemed that no matter where I went, there was always a guard shadowing my every move. Privacy became a long-forgotten luxury. Nathaniel, on the other hand, had become an elusive figure, conspicuously absent for the past couple of weeks. It was as if we were engaged in a prolonged game of hide-and-seek. 

I made a concerted effort to avoid any room where he might be present, yet his scent lingered everywhere in the house. Under constant surveillance, I found myself confined to the mansion's territory, unable to venture beyond its boundaries. The guards even accompanied me during strolls in the backyard, turning what used to be moments of solace into an exercise in frustration. I felt like a captive, stripped of my autonomy.

Amid this suffocating atmosphere, I stumbled upon a hidden haven within the mansion: a grand library tucked away within its labyrinthine corridors. The architecture seamlessly blended modernity with tradition, combining wooden surfaces with expanses of glass. The library was a majestic space, its high ceilings dwarfed by countless shelves crammed with books. The room retained its old-world charm, with dark wood shelves standing resolute against the passage of time.

I roamed the library, my eyes scanning titles in search of a book that would captivate my attention. After moments of indecision, I selected three volumes that piqued my curiosity. One was an antique romance novel, while another delved into the geographical distribution of werewolf packs. 

The third held my deepest fascination—a treatise on ancient werewolf and lycan history. This book sat atop a towering shelf, nearly brushing the ceiling, requiring me to navigate a rickety ladder to access it. With each tome, a glimmer of hope ignited within me—I believed that perhaps I'd find answers to my pressing questions: Where did I run that fateful day? To whom did those enigmatic ruins belong?

Immersed in the pages of these books, I began my quest for understanding right within the library's confines. However, the information I sought remained frustratingly elusive. Despite my initial exasperation, I persisted, moving between volumes in my pursuit of knowledge. The history book, a substantial volume with a dignified leather cover, and the geography guide, seemingly refurbished, offered no insight into the Northern Territories.

Yet, I refused to relent. Armed with determination, I combed through the pages, each word a thread woven into the tapestry of my inquiry. The physical strain and mental exhaustion were palpable, but I refused to surrender.

Occasionally, the confines of the library grew stifling, and I retreated to my room, my trio of books in tow. There, bathed in solitude, I continued my exploration. My meals were the sole interruptions to my intellectual odyssey, drawing me briefly to the kitchen before I returned to my self-imposed seclusion.

And then, Isabella entered my world. Her visit was anticipated, her presence offering a glimmer of connection amidst my solitude. It was clear that Bella was no more eager to play her part than I was to be a pawn in this elaborate game. The look she cast my way was a silent testament to her reluctance, a reminder that even within these walls, allies might be found in unexpected corners.

"How's everything?" Isabella's question hung awkwardly in the air, the tension palpable. I couldn't help but suppress a smirk, fully aware of her role as an unwilling informant in this game. Alex had likely nudged her to extract information from me, information I barely possessed.

"I'm managing," I replied, my tone frigid. I looked at her from under my eyelashes scanning her figure. 

Her eyes widened slightly, evidence that my chilliness hadn't gone unnoticed. 

She seemed to realize that I saw through the facade, that I understood her ulterior motives for being here.

"You know?" she whispered, almost sotto voce, an admission of her true intent. I continued to regard her from my position, nodding slightly to confirm my awareness. 

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