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"huff huff huff"

A certain techno agent try to run as fast as he could while he hold his side that's bleeding, where he had been shot by one of the robot. He grunt when his side suddenly start to ache more. "Dammit" He whispers. At anytime a robot can attack him but he knows that the robots probably has been taken care of his friends. but that doesn't matter, what matter is that he needs to go to the front of the academy.

Where was he? Unfortunately, he was blast by that huge ass robot, which send him out of the academy gate. And as he was about to joined his friend to protect the academy again, 5 robots came towards him, chasing him. so he had to run away, which lead him to the arena. He manage to deal with that 5 robots and he is now trying to return to the academy.

As soon as he step into the academy, his hand which has been holding his side, falters. Cold breeze hits the techno agent's face. The moonlight makes the techno glasses reflecting the light, hiding the techno eyes. The smell of dust, blood and despair in the air. Total silence, not even a sound of wind hitting his face and crickets reach his ears. The techno doesn't move at all as if unfazed by all of this, eyes glued to the sight in front of him.

Chaos.... a total chaos

In front of him, there's a lot of corpses of humans, destroyed or malfunction robots and drone scattered through the ground. There's blood stained on the wall and body here and there. All of them, and every single one of them. The techno knows them. And to see the people you live with everyday laying in the hard cold ground lifeless makes him feel sad and angry is what he expect he will feel but he can't feel anything.... His heart feel numb.

Guess his heart is tired of the feeling to the point it just got numb. When his mother passed away, his father and him were never the same, his father got busy. He felt lonely. And then, when Agent Rizwan betrayed M.A.T.A. He look up to that guy alot, so imagine his feeling when he found out Rizwan betrayed them. And now.... This. His heart could not take this. He's a human too. A human with a fragile heart.

His eyes quickly darted at the sudden movement of a person chest raising up and down but in a very painfully slow pace. The person, chief pillar of Neuro, Agent Zain hand twitch before he reckon for the techno to come closer. The techno boy waste no time and quickly run to his mentor that he had look up to. "Agent Zain! Wh-what happened?!" The techno boy panics. Zain eyes shift to the techno boy and give him a very weak smile.

"C-calm down... Ali......" Zain says as he cough blood with something blue accompanying it. The techno, Ali widens his eyes, concern and scared for his mentor. Zain try to regain his breathing and composure before speaking. "I'm sorry.... for you to... experience this.. But, Please.... Be strong.... Just...  Like how... Your mother" Zain grip Ali's shoulder tightly and hopefully. Tears start to build up on Ali's eyes.

"Be the great... Super agent as what... The project of... I.R.I.S hoped... Heh.... You sure... Do remind me... Of her.." Zain smile softly and he can feel his breath getting shorter. 'Looks like my story ends here...'. Zain look at Ali with hope. 'This may be the end of me. However... This is only the end of the beginning for you, Ali.'

"I...believe in.. You... " Zain says as his hand that grips Ali shoulder loosen, his breathing slowly stop and his eyes slowly unfocused on Ali's face. That's the moment when the chief pillar of neuro, One of the elite, Agent Zain died with a smile on his face as his hand fall to the ground.

Ali grits his teeth as tears spilling from his eyes and the feeling of sadness and anger finally floods in his chest. He grips Zain hand. I.R.I.S glitches dangerously and Ali scream out his pent up feelings. And that's when the I.R.I.S suddenly glows. Ali's pupil's turns electric blue, a few strains of his hair turn to glowing blue and his body have blue glowing lines. Then, he feel like the world around him spins. He couldn't feel his body or speak or hear and he before he know it.....

he knock out.

Before he knocked out however he hears a faint "Safe Everyone, Ali" from a very familiar voice.







Ali groans and smash the off button on his alarm clock on the table. He put his hand on his forehead. But then, after a few second he immediately shot up from his bed. He look around his bedroom in disbelief. How did he get home? Everyone in the academy was dead. Unless.. Someone called back up earlier and found him? He purse his lips. He pick up his phone that's on the table and turn it on. He grunts as he saw it's only 5 AM. When did he started to wake up early?

Oh, right. He tried to improve himself which is coming to school early and doing well in studies. He look at his phone a bit longer, noticing the side of his vision is blurry. He rubs his eyes a few time before he look again at his phone. He narrow his eyes and look at the writing below the time. His eyes widens and his blood run cold. Why? Because the date displayed on his phone is the date when he started become an agent when he accidentally took the I.R.I.S.

'What the actual quacking duck?'

Before you guys proceed to next chap, I want to make things clear. This is book doesn't entirely follow the original ejen ali. In this book, things will be altered (in fact I'm sure you're already aware). For example, Ali's previous life before he time travel like his relationship with other characters or some non canon event that I'll add in.

And some characters may be ooc (out of character) especially Ali.

Thank you for reading.

Stay tune!

To Restart The Life I Know- Yet Not (Time Travel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now