13 - Desires

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When I returned to the packhouse after the harrowing encounter with the hunter, Nathaniel was nowhere to be found. A fleeting sense of relief washed over me, but it was quickly replaced by a gnawing depression that settled in my stomach. Hours had passed since I entered the building, now filled with an eerie silence.

The only sounds were the soft, hurried footsteps of the omegas as they went about their tasks, cleaning and preparing. I sat in the living room, my gaze fixed on the flickering flames in the fireplace. The memory of a furious Nate throwing a glass into the fire, his harsh words, and the intensity of his presence made heat rise down my legs.

But the flashes of the hunter, mistaking me for Athena, twisted my insides with distress. The realization that my mother was truly gone hit me with a brutal finality. My father's game of "hide and seek" was nearing its end, and my newfound awareness of the situation left me feeling betrayed. For the first time, I was disappointed in him, not angry.

I wanted to confront him, but my emotions held me back. I couldn't show up at his doorstep in this state, especially after a hangover and with my moral compass in disarray. I sat there, lost in thought, trying to plan my next steps. Despite my major in engineering, I had ended up as an investigator, and now those four years of study seemed wasted.

As the sky turned grey, thick clouds blocking the sun, Nathaniel and his crew finally returned. Alex appeared first, covered in dirt and sweat, followed by several other men carrying something heavy on their shoulders. I craned my neck to see where they were headed but couldn't discern their destination.

Just as I was about to stand and follow, Nate walked in, his presence commanding and intense. I quickly hid from his sight, noting the tension in his body and the fury in his brows. They must have found the hunter's body, and the presence of another hunter on our territory clearly troubled Nate.

"West wing," he commanded, his voice echoing through the house.

I held my breath as the men disappeared behind a wall, blocking my view. I needed to appear innocent so Nate wouldn't question me. If he suspected anything, he wouldn't leave me alone, and I'd be forced to follow him everywhere. I didn't want to be a burden.

I listened to the fading footsteps and rustling before the door slammed shut. They had taken the body to the wing Nate had forbidden me to enter. Anxiety welled up inside me, but curiosity tugged at my mind, urging me to follow.

I stood and walked around a column, revealing an old wooden door in the corner, its color blending with the walls. I stared at it, debating my next move.

Before I could decide, the door opened, and Alex and the men walked out. They passed by without noticing me at first, each bowing their heads in respect and addressing me by my title. I greeted them back, noting the unease in their expressions. It was still difficult to get used to the deference they showed me.

As the last man exited, I took a deep breath, my curiosity winning over my caution. I needed to know what was behind that door, what secrets Nate was hiding. With a final glance around to ensure no one was watching, I stepped forward, my heart pounding in my chest.

Alex still seemed unsettled, his discomfort evident in his every movement. Nate was the last to leave the west wing, closing the door behind him with a finality that sent a shiver down my spine. As he approached, his powerful presence made my legs tremble-a reaction I feared I would never be able to control.

"Did you go far?" he asked, his voice low as we found ourselves alone.

"No. I tried to stay close to the house," I lied, hoping my voice didn't betray me.

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