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It's late at night and I'm sitting at the edge of my bed. A low sigh leaves my mouth as I fold my fingers together. I stare at a point of nothingness, it's too dark to see anything anyway.
I was hoping to fall asleep a few hours back, because I felt very exhausted. The problem is that how much I even try, I can't seem to sleep restfully. It's like my brain won't allow me to sleep. Thoughts are racing through my mind and adrenaline rushes through my veins. It feels like my body is filled up with so much energy.
I didn't even sleep for two hours in the basement. I have literally slept for only four hours in the past three days.
It's been an ongoing thing for quite some time now and it's starting to get on my nerves. I even tried taking some sleeping pills, but nothing seems to work. It's been sucking up my strength. Lately I feel weak and lightheaded. It's frustrating, because I don't know what to do about it. Even the girl is wearing me out. Luckily she's sleeping now.
Even though she's a huge burden, I can't seem to get myself to hand her over. Yaj Wang has called a hundred times by now. Even Chris is getting impatient. Not to mention Stanley. He should get her first since he would hurt her the least, but I can't trust that jerk. I have a feeling he would betray me and he wouldn't want to return her. I would need her back though, since Wang needs some important stuff.
Chris has been the most greedy of them all. He insisted and offered me the most. The thing he wants is definitely worth it. He's actually one of the better guys. He plans to use everything for a good reason, on the other hand, Wang and Stanley only care about themselves.
I've grown kind of an interest into Chris. I'm eager to get closer to him. To know more about him. I had absolutely no idea how he looked like. His assistant contacted me and informed me about him. After I heard what he had to offer I was kind of taken a back. It made me question who this man was. Why he wanted what he asked for and why he wanted it from me. There were so many other ways to get his wish fulfilled. Easier ways, but he reached out to me. It made me kind of suspicious of him, so I insisted to meet him in private. I was surprised he agreed.
The day before I was supposed to bring the girl to my home I met up with him. When I first saw him sitting alone in the empty lounge, I was practically speechless. He looked so intimidating even though he was sitting down. Once our eyes locked he smiled and stood up. My expression remained stiff and I looked him up and down before shaking his hand. We were about the same height, he held his chin high, showing off his charms. I didn't let myself be fooled and just looked at him with an emotionless expression.
"I'm Christopher, you can call me Chris though." I wasn't pleased with him being this informal from the beginning, but I kept my mouth shut. I should've gotten used to it by then, but it seemed different with him.
"Park," I simply stated as I sat down.
The whole time I was with him there, he gave off this uncomfortable vibe. It made me feel hatred towards him and that's what got me eager to get to know him more.
Why did he make me feel so angry? I felt like I wanted to play around with him. So that's what I decided to do.
I made a deal with him, a very risky one.
Now he has been calling me every day since. It's just one call a day, but I ignore it every time. I'm making him wait on purpose, I want to know what he is capable of doing. I'm not afraid of him at all. I have everything I need to protect myself with.
I knew very well what kind of mess I was getting myself into. I just didn't feel the kink with anyone so far, until I encountered him. It made me excited. I had nothing left so I just risked it all. And I don't regret it.
It's very entertaining. I'm curious to what he'll do if I tell him that I won't cooperate.
I will take things slowly though. I'll wrap him around my finger with small steps and I'll throw him away once I'm finished.
I can't help myself and chuckle out loud. All the trouble I'm going through is sometimes worth it.
It's been a long time since I managed to satisfy myself like this.
The corners of my lips curl up, creating a creepy smirk and with a sharp inhale I stand up and gently walk to the basement once again.

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