introduction, the first-years arrive

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Anxious behavior wasn't too rare to see on the first day, they were first years after all. However something seemed different about the short girl who could be seen standing next to their old teacher. Aizawa hand a hand on her shoulder, and from the looks of it he was talking to her in a hushed voice. The girl nods, and joins the rest of her class, standing next to a girl with bright pink hair. Though she looked comfortable around the other girl, she wasn't talking. She was looking straight ahead with a focused expression, her eyes sharp.

"She kind of reminds me of Todoroki." Uraraka says, rubbing the back of her neck. They were the next third years, and this year Nezu had told all of 3-A to go and show the first years around. The class was rowdy, save for the shy looking girl Aizawa was talking to. She was honestly the only one who looked the least bit nervous, something that worried Uraraka.

"Are you sure? She reminds me more of Midoriya." Asui says, tapping her friend on the shoulder. The green haired hero turned around, giving them a confused look.

"She seems really anxious, Deku!" Uraraka says, laughing and patting her friend on the back.

The third years went on to give a tour of Yuuei, showing the younger heroes in training around as well as they could. Though she didn't look as tense as before, the young girl, who they learned was named Fukukado (Y/n), still stuck close by her homeroom teacher. She was obviously shy, the older students could tell. Surprisingly, Bakugou was the first one to talk to the younger girl. Maybe it had been his learning days in Yuuei that made him a bit softer, but his tone was pretty calm as he came up behind the girl and tapped her shoulder, getting her attention.

"Hey, I'm Bakugou Katsuki. You don't have to call me senpai or anything like that, but I'd be willing to help you with your training if you'd like." Bakugou says, looking at (Y/n) with an unusually calm expression.

Kirishima scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly.

"I'm still not used to seeing him act like that, it's still pretty weird." He said, looking at his classmates.
Todoroki sneered just a bit, looking back at Bakugou as he spoke to the shy looking first year.
"I doubt it'll last. She doesn't know him so she probably won't be prepared when he finally blows up, poor girl." Todoroki narrows his eyes as Midoriya chuckles.
"Maybe, but I'm sure Kaachan will behave. She seems pretty capable. But, Aizawa-sensei, how do you know her?" The green haired boy questions, looking at his old sensei with a confused expression.

Aizawa, who had moved towards them earlier, sighs and looks back at (Y/n), seeing her having a conversation with the unusually calm Bakugou.

"You remember Ms. Joke, right? That's her niece, Fukukado (Y/n). Her quirk isn't really flashy or helpful when it comes to inflicting damage, but she's wanted to be a hero ever since she was little. Joke asked me to train her over the summer so she would be able to beat the entrance exams." Aizawa explains, a small smile coming to his lips as he continues to watch (Y/n).
"What's her quirk?" Midoriya, of course, asks.
"Everyone calls her quirk Mood, but it doesn't really have a name. By touching people she can change their mood, like I said, not very flashy. However, don't underestimate her. By mood I mean she can make someone relaxed enough that they fall asleep. Or mad enough that they drop their guard completely. Her quirk, when used correctly, can be very dangerous while fighting against her."


The nerves hit hard during training, even the third years could feel it. They, because their main classes hadn't started yet, decided to watch the new classes train.

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