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It has been a month at least since (Y/n) started to train with Bakugou, and everything had been going totally fine. She'd been doing such a great job, and Katsuki was proud of her. The Sports Festival was coming up too, and she was no doubt excited. In short, everything was going great, (Y/n) was succeeding in her academics, Katsuki and Shoto weren't getting into daily fights anymore, everything, for once,was completely fine. Calm, even. It was, of course, enjoyable, but Katsuki couldn't help feel like something utterly horrible was going to happen. It'd only be appropriate, wouldn't it? Things couldn't always be perfect.

Katsuki has been quickly proven right once Aizawa was seen rushing around on the phone, a near anxious expression on his face.

"From what I hear she's still asleep, but the doctors don't know what to do. You're her guardian, Joke, they need your consent to do anything!" Aizawa says into the phone, obviously talking to Ms. Joke. A flustered sound could be heard just slightly. Her voice was fuzzy, but Ms. Joke was obviously panicked.

Katsuki, who had just woken up, looked a bit panicked himself. Who the hell was Aizawa talking about? It couldn't possibly be (Y/n), right? No. She was just fine! Asleep in her bed, safe and tired. But... what if's rushed through the blondes head, making him go nearly feral.

With that in mind, Katsuki rushes down the hallway, up the stairs to ten girls dorms, and knocked open (Y/n)'s door. He was hoping, praying, that she'd be in there. That she'd wake up by the noise of him slamming the door and ask him what was going on. She wasn't. She wasn't there.

(Y/n) was gone.

Hoping that Aizawa hadn't left the building yet, Katsuki rushed down to the common area, seeing the dark haired hero just about to open the door to leave. Aizawa turns around, stress and worry etched on his face.


"Where is she? Why isn't she in her dorm?" Katsuki demanded, a bit of fury being seen in his hot red eyes. Aizawa sighs, running a hand through his long hair.

"She's in the hospital, but Todoroki's with her so you don't have to worry. I'm on my way there now, and I'm sure you're worried but I can assure you she's fine."

Even though he said that, Aizawa didn't sound so sure, and that scared Katsuki to death.

"What? Why? What happened to her?" Katsuki, once again, demanded. Panic was starting to rise even more, causing Katsuki to look a bit messy. Aizawa understood, of course, but it was his job to make sure that everyone, including himself, was calm.

"And why is that Icy-Hot bastard with her?"

"Because he's the one who found her during the attack." Aizawa, who had no more time, explained. The man walked out of the door, a still pajama wearing Katsuki following after him, still blasting off questions. Questions Aizawa couldn't answer.


Katsuki had followed Aizawa all the way to the hospital, and he wasn't any less panicked. His kouhai, the sweet girl he had been training, was in the hospital and this damn teacher wouldn't tell him why! Anyone could understand why he was being so... well, Bakugou. The whole situation was messed up, Aizawa knew that, but he needed to focus on his student, not Katsuki.
Aizawa could tell that Katsuki was stressed, scared even, and that was completely understandable, but he couldn't calm Katsuki down, not when he couldn't even calm himself down.

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