Hitoshi Shinso x reader

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Y/n pov.

I walk into class B. It was pretty noisy, a few students going off about how stupid class A was. And by a few I mean Monoma and the people listening to his rant. No one said hi to me. Which was usual, being the quiet kid in the back of the class who doesn't talk to anyone. Even if they tried I probably would have ignored them. I sat at my desk in the back of the class. I toned out the nosie, until I heard Monoma say a name that spiked my interest.

"That weird Shinso from class C, shouldn't even be in this school. He's has a villain quirk..." I drowned him out after that. He can just be so mean, like does he even have one nice thought in his brain.

I personally thought Shinso's quirk was pretty cool. Although it was the quirk a villain would have, it can be just as useful for a hero. With the amount of creepy laugh and monologuing the villains do. His quirk would be perfect for the job.

I first saw him at the sports festival. I was interested in his quirk. That's probably when I started hearing people talk about him. They talked about him before, but I had never payed much attention.

I had been so deep in thought. I hadn't noticed that the teacher was teaching. So I sat up straight and pretend like I was paying attention.

*Time skip, brought to you by Shinso being at a cat Cafe past curfew*

I had just gotten my lunch. I walk down the empty hallway descretly. As I headed to my usual lunch spot. But something cot my eye. It way Shinso sitting in the hall eating lunch. Instead of hadeding forward. I turned down the other hall towards Shinso.

He didn't notice me until I sat next to him. He looked over at me surprised. "Hi I'm y/n l/n, do you mind if I eat lunch with you," I said with a smile. I might have been the quiet kid in the back of the class. But I can be a very social person.

"Yeah sure you can sit here," he said, his voice seemed normal but I could hear the weariness in his voice.

As I ate my lunch, I tried to think of a way to start a conversation. But nothing seemed to sound like it would work in my head. So, every day this week I came back and ate my lunch with him in silence. Not like I had anyone else to sit with. At least that was until Friday.

"Why do you keep coming to sit with me for lunch? did one of your class mates put you up to this? Because you and your friends are getting annoying," Shinso said to me as I rounded the corner to sit with him.

I started laughing uncontrollably, "bold of you to assume I have any friends," I stated," did it ever come to mind that I might have wonted to be your friend, but your so unapproachable. That I couldn't figure out how."

He looked at me, probably questioning my motive. "Fine if you won't to be friends, let's go train." A wide smile spread across my face.

*Time skip, brought to you by my insanity*

3 months later.

In the past 3 months, me and Shinso have become the best of friends. Which shocked shocked everyone. Monoma started making fun of me since we became friends. But it really didn't bother me. The only thing weird is we never hang at his place on the weekends. When we don't have to be at are dorms. But every time I bring it up he shots me down.

It bothered me that he was hiding something from me. Was his family embarrassing? Was he disowned for his quick? A million thoughts ran through my had every time it thought about it. So after arguing with my self for a few days. I decided I would try asking again.

That morning when he texted me about what we're doing to day. I made it clear that we we're going to hang at his house no matter what he says. It ended in my favor, and he sent me the address.

I would be lieing if I said I wasn't nervous. I may or may not have a small crush on him. But who's keeping track. I wore my usual, black pants and big f/c t-shirt. I got on the train and made my way to the address Shinso gave me.

It was a beautiful light blue house, from the front it was covered by plants. The only thing that was visible was the porch, that had a swing on it. And the driveway that had no cars.

I walk up the drive way and to the door. I knocked twice, then followed a crash and a muffled yell. The door opened revealing Shinso, with dirt in his hair. I tried my hardest to not laugh. I reached up and fluffed his hair out with my hand, to get rid of the dirt.

"What's with the dirt," i asked trying not to laugh to hard.

"My stupid cat dropped a pot on my head," he replied. He opened the door and let me in.

The entrance opened up into the kitchen and the living room. The kitchen was on the right it had an island and was open so u could just walk into the living room. All the furniture was in one corner and the other corner was set up to paint the wall.

"My family has decided to repaint the house," Shinso said.

Time skip

I was sitting on the island as we waited for the cupcakes we made to finish. The radio was playing in the back ground. I still had no idea who his family was, because all the pictures were put away to paint the house. At least that's what I guessed.

After we got the cupcakes out we started frosting them. We went with blue frosting on the vanilla and purple on the chocolate. After we finish, frosting them. We started eating them. I was sitting on the counter will Shinso was leaning on the island. The cupcakes were on the stove next to me.

After my first, Shinso walked over to me. Now standing in between my legs. "You got some on your face," he said as he wiped it of for me. I blushed slightly.

"You have some on your face to," I lied. I brought my hand up to wipe the non-existing frosting of his face. But quickly grabbed a chocolate cupcake and pushed it in his face. I pulled the cupcake back, and the look on his face has hilarious. The purple frosting almost matched his purple eyes. But the frosting was lighter. I picked up a napkin and started wiping it off.

Once I was finished, I looked up into his eyes and he looked into mine. His flickered to my lips and back to my eyes. I found myself leaning in. His soft lips touching mine. He pulled back out of the kiss and looked into my eyes. Before he could say anything, I grabbed his collar and pulled him back in.

My hands moved up into his messy hair. His hands on the counter next to my legs. He kissed down my jaw. And then to my neck. I let out a small moun, when he found my sweet spot. His hand trailed up my leg and under my shirt. But before he could get to far the radio shut off.

We pulled apart and looked towards the radio. There stood aizawa and present mic. We were both bright red. "Hey dads," Shinso said.

Hope u guys enjoyed 😁.

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