Training Trouble

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She was made of marshmallow fluff, Izumi decided as she ran until every inch of her body hurt. Iida lead the pack through a tough three laps around the castle grounds, and despite being somewhat athletic she fell behind the fit and able men.

"What...what kind of regimen is this?" She wheezed through sit ups, her stomach cramping and feeling the burn of her muscles tightening.

"It's a daily routine you'll have to get used to young Midoriya." Sir Might said floating above her keeping count. The group switched to push ups and her weak arms and legs could barely manage two before she went face first into the dirt. "Hmmmm we'll need to do some serious training to get you up to speed. My magic will only help you so much."

"Thanks for the warning." She complained through grit teeth as she pushed herself up and collapsed on the ground again.

"Huh?" The soldier next to her eyed her curiously. "You talking to me?"

"What? Oh no, muttering to myself..." she laughed nervously. "I do that a lot."

Sir Might smacked a hand to his forehead.

"Leave the comments for when you're out of earshot...oh here comes the prince. Up on your knees...hurry!" He vanished and Izumi got to her knees groaning in pain.

"Miss Midoriya..." Shoto stood in front of her. "I apologize for all of this." He held his hand out to her. "You don't have to push yourself. This kind of training isn't meant for someone of your-"

"No... no it's fine." She waved her hands out laughing a bit. She starts to stand."Really I just need to get used to it." Her legs buckled and she fell forward. Shoto caught her in one arm and she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Are you alright?"

"Uh...erm...yes! Yes I'm fine..." She shakily got to her feet and snapped herself straight. "I beg your pardon your highness. You and your father gave me this incredible opportunity and I can't waste it."

Shoto eyed her... sweaty and dirty, her face flushed, but eyes bright and determined. He smiled and pet her head gently.

"Alright...but at least allow me to accompany you from now on. Father has left you in my charge and I want to personally make sure you're ready for the games."

"Oh... well I-" She looked around nervously. She could tell the other knights were eyeing her closely, a mix of curiosity and contempt. Her head hung. "I don't want to be given special treatment. I want to do this properly... but I thank you for offering such kindness to me."

"Kindness?" Shoto frowned and held her chin lifting her face up so she looked him in the eye. "I think you've mistaken my personality for someone else's Milady." He stroked a thumb over her lips and Izumi felt her breath hitch. "I am not kind... I am curious."

"C-curious?" Izumi blinked in confusion.

"Yes," he looked at the soldiers straining their ears and he wrapped an arm around her pulling her away. "Let's talk someplace a little more private."

"Oh... but the training... I can't afford to miss anything."

"Trust me you're not missing anything, Midoriya." He guaranteed and brought her to the far side of the training field. She pouted at him and looked behind her as Sir Might reappeared shrugging.

"He's royalty, it's always hard to say no to the crown." He told her.

"Right... listen, your highness." She stopped her words when he handed her a sword. She lifted the blade up, frowned at it's dull edges and ran a finger over it to test. "It's not sharp."

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