Salt in the Wounds

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"Eackerclaw attacked Burrstar and Philipleaf..." Roselight stated and looked down. Her tail wrapped around her paws. Spadeflight nodded and nudged Pebblepaw, his female look-alike apprentice.  The young pale-grey and brown tabby yawned and got up, she looked at Philipleaf and horror flashed in her eyes. 

"What happened?" Pebblepaw asked voice filled to the brim with fear. Spadeflight huffed and whispered what he was told to his apprentice. Roselight swallowed down her tears and she gently licked the wound across her lover's neck to stop the scarlet liquid from oozing out.

Spadeflight fetched some Comfrey and Chervil from his stock while Pebblepaw limped over to the corner of the den to snatch some cobwebs. Spadeflight padded over and nudged Roselight aside, he started to press the leaves to the wound. "Will he be alright?" Roselight asked, her voice cracking from worry.

Spadeflight simply looked at her, his stale yellow eyes clouding his emotions. "I can't tell yet. If he heals, then he heals, if not I'll speak to him through Starclan" the silver tom stated. His tail flicked and he went back to tending wounds. Pebblepaw limped over, her crippled leg dragging behind her. 

Pebblepaw slid the cobwebs to Spadeflight. she looked up and gave Roselight a pitiful look.  Burrstar stomped in, he held his head high and glared at Roselight. his ears curled back and he let out a snarl. "Get out Roselight, I don't want you hurting anyone. Eackerclaw has done enough damage." He spat, ember eyes burning with hate. 

Spadeflight's ear flicked and Pebblepaws face was full of shock. Roselight flicked her tail slightly. "Yes, Burrstar..." she responded, Voice pinching with pain. Roselight gave Philipleaf a lick on his ear before she turned and padded out of the den. Tears pricked at her eyes as she quietly padded to her and her kits nest.

She curled around her kits and a few tears slipped down her muzzle. "What did I do wrong..." she asked herself in a soft whisper. she licked the top of her kits heads before she rested her head beside them. 

She watched as Violetfire padded past the den, a scratch across her shoulder. Roselight knew the black golden-eyed warrior would have a harder time. She sighed and closed her eyes, the next morning would surely be better... Right?

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