Chapter 1

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Hurry up, Mackerel!" An orange haired shouted as he ran in a hurry. "Wait up, chibi!" A bandaged man shouted back. They ran quickly to the train getting in it just in time. It was pretty crowded now so they had to stand up.

"You see? This all happen because of you shitty Dazai!" The ginger yelled angrily. The brown haired smirk defiantly. The small man glared at him intensely. The passengers were all pushing each other making the ginger lose its balance and lean on Dazai.

"D-dazai is too tight. S-stop moving around so much!" The ginger muttered like if he were yelling. "They're pushing I can't help to move around." Dazai protested. He hugged the orange haired so he wouldn't get hurt. "Stupid Dazai." He muttered as he buried his face in Dazai's chest.

"You're so cute like this Chuuya." He whispered staring down at the short man's blue eyes. He blushed and looked away.


They finally got out of the crowded train. Dazai held Chuuya's hand as they walked to their destination. "Is here." Chuuya stated. The brown haired let go of Chuuya's hand as they looked around the warehouse. It was around the time the sun sets, the warehouse had a lot of boxes on the floor. A lot of them were empty.

"The guy Mori-san told us to meet here doesn't seem to be anywhere around." Dazai said. Suddenly, something came to Dazai's mind. "Chuuya. Come back here." The brown haired ordered. Even though the ginger doesn't like following orders from his lover he knew Dazai already had figured out where the enemy was and ran to his side. "Chibi, stay alerted. You know where he is by now, right?" He asked as they got in fighting position. Chuuya nodded not letting his guard down for a second.

"My. My. Osamu Dazai and Nakahara Chuuya." An unfamiliar voice suddenly said. They both turned to look to where the voice came from. "Two of the greatest executives in the Port Mafia. I didn't think Mori-sensei would send such a powerful duo to kill me." He commented while showing a small smirk on his face. The dark haired man walked closer to the small Chuuya and caressed his hair.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" The ginger said slapping his hand off. Dazai glared at the black haired with blue dark eyes. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's waist and pulled him closer to him. "Aw, don't get so jealous. I was just playing." He said mockingly. The bandage man let go of the ginger's tiny waist and held his hand. The guy got closer to him and played with Chuuya's hair again. Dazai immediately felt irritated and pulled out a gun from his black coat.

"If you touch him one more time, I won't hesitated to pulled the trigger." He said with a threatening tone. Chuuya looked at him concerned. "Stop it, Dazai." He paused. "We still have to get information out of him." Dazai putted the gun away as he stare at the ginger not taking his eyes off him for a second. Chuuya walked up to the dark haired tall man.

"I'll go straight to the point. Give us what Mori-san is looking for." He demanded. The tall man smirked and walked closer to Chuuya. "You're so my type. Wanna go on a date?" He said trying to pissed Dazai off. The ginger glanced at the brown haired who had a really dangerous dark expression on his face. "Too bad. You are not my type." Chuuya answered. Dazai's dark expression disappeared for an instant.

"Chuuya." Dazai said with a serious tone. His eyes were focus directly on him making the ginger flinched. Dazai pulled Chuuya closer too him and pointed the gun at the dark headed. Holding him tight against his chest. "He's mine." He said as he pulled the trigger. Blood started spreading on the floor. The ginger stared at the bloody body with widened eyes. He pushed Dazai away and glared at him.

"Are you stupid?! We can't get the information that we need now!" He yelled. "You, stupid Daza-" He was cut off by Dazai's lips. The brown haired lean down and shoved his tongue on the orange haired mouth exploring it, making Chuuya blushed hardly and leaving him dazed.

"Don't worry about it. I figured everything out as he flirted with you." He explained with an angry tone at the end. Chuuya ignored him and walked out of the warehouse. Dazai walked after him and hugged Chuuya from behind. "Don't get mad at me." He said as he kissed his cheek. Chuuya blushed and turned around to look at him. He stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

"Don't tell me what to do, shitty Dazai."


I hope you like this new fanfic of mine and thank you for reading. I'll try my best to update often but It'll be hard because of the fucking school >:)

 I'll try my best to update often but It'll be hard because of the fucking school >:)

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*Fangirling* so kawaii ♡

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