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A/N: So here Benji is extremely possessive/protective of Jey and he gets jealous easily, and Benji and Jorge have been dating for 2 years, and the one shot is gonna start in school. Oh and Benji and Jorge live together. Ok that's all!

3rd person
As Jorge was heading to 4th period (math) his closest friend, Syd, comes up to him. "Hey! I was wondering if you'd like to join me and my friend for a small party? Just the three of us!"

Jorge seemed happy to meet a new friend, and any friend of Syd's is a friend of Jorge's. So, why not?

"Sure! I'd love to! Can Benji come too?" Jorge already knew Benji would want to come, as he's over protective of his baby. "Of course he can! Ok see you both at my house- btw it's at 8!" "Alright see you there!" Jorge replied.

Benji's POV
I over heard Jorge and Syd's conversation, yes I know it's rude but still. I don't like this friend of Syd's already, he didn't even say his name.

3rd person
After school Benji and Jorge walked home as usual.
"So Benji, Syd wants us to come to a small party at his house, with a friend, the party's at 8"
"Then let's go!" Benji smiled looking at Jorge, all he wanted to do was give Jorge everything, and if that's what he wanted, then so be it.

~Time skip to when they get home~
Jorge's POV
I wanted to wear something nice and chill for the party. I was busy looking through all my clothes until I got my three favorites picked out.
Outfit 1.
A royal blue crop top hoodie and black booty shorts and a pair of vans (this idea I got from another Benjey story so credit to them for the idea)

Outfit 2.
A grey t shirt that outlined my body structure and ripped skinny jeans with black converse

Outfit 3.
A pink shirt crop top that goes off the shoulder and light colored shorts with my vans

I decided to ask Benji for his opinion on which outfit I should go for. We had half an hour left so we had time.
"Benjiiiiiiii" I called "what is is mi amor?" He said as he came in my room already wearing his outfit:

A white shirt, jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up a bit, black pants, and adidas.

"I need help deciding what to wearrrr!" I whined making it seem like a big deal. Benji stared at the outfits. "Hell no, you're not wearing that." He said firmly pointing at outfit 1. I giggled knowing he was gonna day that. "I don't like any of these outfits!" He said going through my closet looking for something else.

He finally pulled out an ugly green sweater, pants with no rips, and vans. "Why don't you wear this?!" He said smiling happily.

"..." I stared at him blankly. "Benji im not wearing that, I'm going with outfit one!" I said. "No your not!" He said finely. I rolled my eyes and said "Fine what ever!" I watched him leave my room.

Of course I'm going to wear outfit numbed one! Just to mess with him.

Benji's POV
I can not believe Jorge would consider wearing that in public! Especially in front of a guy we don't know.
I waited about 5 minutes and Jorge came out. Wearing that fucking outfit I told him not to wear.

I breathed and tried to calm down. I am a little over protective, he won't get rapped. But that's a possibility... no! I have to trust Jorge. So I ignored it and we both got in the car and drove off to Syd's.

Jorge's POV
I was honestly surprised Benji didn't say anything, although I watched him take a few deep breaths. He also didn't say anything for the whole car ride.

3rd person
As Benji and Jorge pulled up to Syd's driveway they saw a Tesla. Obviously not Syd's. Benji tensed up but calmed down. Jorge was just curious, who'd have that much money?! He'd ask himself.

They ringed the doorbell and Syd opened it. "Haiii everyone! Come in!" He said making way for them to come in.

In the middle of the living room there was a dude. He looked like he was a model. Like just as attractive as Benji, or more, and we all know that's saying a lot.

"Hey" he flashed a smile directly at Jorge. Benji was already glaring at him.

"Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ace" he stuck out his hand to shake Benji's, which Benji firmly shook with a bit too much force.

Ace held out his hand palm up for Jorge. Jorge took the hint and put his hand on top of Ace's and he guided his hand to his mouth and kissed the top of Jorge's hand. While Benji frowned at the action.


While Syd was just there. In the tension. "Ooookayyy guys! Uh let's eat!" Syd said trying to break the silence.

"Yeah, im going to the bathroom." Benji said.

Benji's POV
I went to the bathroom in attempts to calm down. I can not believe that douchebag touched my property. I swear when we got home Jorge...

Jorge's POV
I noticed Benji getting annoyed by that little kiss on my hand. Ace was probably just being polite, but anyhow, Benji went to the bathroom, to calm down.
As soon as he left Syd did too getting the food ready which was in another room. Leaving me and Ace alone.
3rd person
"So Jorge, you look nice..." he said liking his lips. (Jorge's hand was on the table btw)
Ace put his hand on top of Jorge's making their hands intertwine. "U-uh..." Jorge said clearly uncomfortable.

"What's wrong baby..." Ace said getting closer to Jorge's lips. Until their lips touched and Ace started to kiss Jorge. "L-let me go! S-stop!"
"Hey, douchebag! Let go of him." Benji said in a firm tone and dark voice.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Ace asked hugging Jorge forcefully, wrapping his arm around his waist.
And those were the last words Ace ever said.

time skip brought to you by aggressive Benji

Jorge's POV
Benji had caught Ace trying to kiss me and do other things to me. It was scary, I've never been in that position before. And I've never seen Benji act or talk like that. He started physically fighting Ace and Syd and I were just there. Watching.

When we got home Benji had calmed down and we started talking.

"Babe, what do you want to do tomorrow?... Let's forget about today."

There I saw a perfect opportunity to get Benji's cock deep inside me. I smiled on the inside and started to play games with him.

"I want to ask Syd where Ace lives..." I whispered loud enough so that Benji heard me. As soon as the words left my mouth we pulled up to our house and Benji said...



Ok your author is so amazing ik

Anyhow part two comes out next  on Monday 😋✌️

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