ch 1

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You and your older sister finally arrive at camp crystal lake you were always treated badly by both your parents and your sister you had been made fun of by other people in school too you basically were just a torture doll for peoples entertainment but even though you were still a positive person you could never hate and you could never do anything wrong not steal not hate not hurt you never wanted to do any of that you just wanted to live a happy care free life even though you were hated you never hated as you arrive you both see the big cabin there is a little cabin with two beds where you both will have your own room then all of sudden you are hit for no reason by your sister and you almost begin to cry until

Sister: dont you cry like a little bitch ill hit you harder then i just did

You then choose not to cry and follow your sister in the cabin

Jessie point of view

Mom: young lady ive had just enough blah blah blah blah

Jessie: THATS IT

I then pick up my mothers head and kick it in the ocean afterwards you hear what sounds like a car i then see what looks like another bitchy teenager

Jessie: god I hate trespassers well better go sharpen my mache-

I then see what looks like a boy a we lad looks about 4 years maybe he looked cute just then i see the teen smack the boy for no reason this made me upset
So I then wait until midnight to strike its midnight now and i decide to strike I could hear the teenager talking on her phone her voice annoyed me like nails on a chalkboard and then i heard her talking about the kid about how much trouble he was then I heard her say how her and the parents hate him and want him dead this made me so mad i busted down the door just by walking through it and then i see her drop her phone and scream in terror i then grab her by the neck lift her up and impale her with my machete multiple times then I do the finishing blow finally finishing her off

Reader pov

I hear what sounds like my sister screaming in terror and then silence I then hear giant footsteps and then see my door open gently I then decide to hide under my covers I then hear footsteps getting closer closer and closer then I see a scary woman who was titanic compared to me she also had a hockey mask short brown hair ripped up clothes and was covered in blood I then tried running past her only for her to quickly block then catch me after she stuck a needle in me and I got knocked out

Author: ok what did you think not ganna lie the intro was pretty hard but anyways i hope you enjoy and have a good day/night btw feel free to message me personally about ideas for both jessie and fredda stories

Author: another thing has anybody ever noticed those abs that jessie has i mean really look at them

jessie x male child readerWhere stories live. Discover now