ch 2

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It was nine am you had finally woken up only to see the scary woman with the hockey mask laying next to you but she wasn't covered in blood anymore you were still scared of her though she then sat up and looked at you she then noticed  you had bruises all over you from your sister she then pushed her mask where it was sideways on her face which was pretty to you she had a beautiful yet deadly eyesshe then reached out you flinched from this of course thinking she was ganna hit you instead she just gently rubbed you on the head

Jessie: your safe with here I won't hurt you my name is jessie whats yours?

y/n: y/n

Jessie: nice to meet you can I ask you how you got all those bruises on you?

y/n: my family my sister would always beat me up and so do my parents they tell me how I was lucky to be born and how my sister was born lucky( i hope you guys get that reference) ontop of that I dont even have friends everyone just beats me up

You then start crying

Jessie(thinking): this poor kid he needs someone to take care of him

Jessie: tell you what you like swimming?

You simply nod your head yes

Jessie: well there is a lake near us wanna go for a swim?

You then change into your swimsuit and jessie lifts you up and brings you to camp crystal lakes piggy back style you then spend the entire time swimming while jessie was sitting on a folding chair next to the lake

y/n: aren't you coming jessie?

Jessie: nah I just ate dont wanna get a cramp hehe

Author: its because she afraid of

Jessie holds machete up to my neck

Author: i mean yeah cramps suck hehe

After a while you got out of the lake it was evening time and you went to go dry off and then you saw that jessie made food it was a pasta recipe from the voorhees name

Jessie: Here eat up

You were finally done eating and jessie noticed some movies

Jessie: wanna watch a movie

Y/n: yeah

Jessie then puts in a movie called nightmare on elm street  she saw the movie as dull and boring but she did get some laughs out of it

Jessie: really a slasher that kills you in your dreams

As jessie was getting back from the bathroom to go look at the rest of the movie she then noticed that you were whimpering and curled up on the couch she then decided to have a little fun she put on her mask so it could cover her face and decided to sneak up behind you and grabbed your shoulders you then screamed the loudest you ever did jessie did snicker a bit however she then saw that you were crying and she lifted her mask to the side and picked you up and hugged you

Jessie: aw its ok little guy you don't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore ok?

Y/n: ok

You then walked to the bathroom after a fun day brushed your teeth and got ready for bed however you seemed to have a little trouble falling asleep

Y/n: Jessie

Jessie then opens the door

Jessie: can you lay with me please I feel safe when I'm around you

Jessie then kisses you on the forehead

Jessie: of course

She then gets in the bed with you and she holds you in her arms however she still notices a bit of fear in you and sees that your still not asleep

Jessie: here I have an idea ya wanna know how you scare off all the monsters and nightmare?

Y/n: look scary yourself

She then takes her hockey mask off and gives to you to wear for the night

Jessie: there see now no monster going to mess with you

You then fall asleep in Jessie's arms with her mask and when you fall asleep she notices that you look adorable in her mask and gets out of bed to grab a camera and takes a picture of you sleeping with her mask

Jessie: aw my wittle slasher

Jessie then gets back in the bed and cuddles with you once more

Author: ok so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter you guys don't know how sorry I am that this took long like really its been really hard for me and plus i have tried working on different types of characters not just slashers but i will be working on this story in the future i have some ideas

Fredda: hiya josh so what's that about my movies being dull and boring

Author: well you see um

Jessie: yeah and whats my fear again?

Author: well you see

Grabs pistol and shoots both of them in the head and they both fall down

Author: yeah I'd say I have 5 minutes before they get back up well anyways guys have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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