The Trailer

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Now  when the Avengers were dropped into a random theatre it was certainly a  surprise. Now most of these people had not seen each other since the  "civil war," as it had been dubbed by the media. Tony, Steve, Natasha,  Thor, Clint, Bruce, Bucky, Wanda, Sam, Rhodey,  and Peter were all there. They all kind of migrated towards the seats  and there was a clear separation between "Team Cap" and "Team Iron Man."  Bruce and Thor were kind of making a barrier between the two.

"So... does anyone know what we're doing here?" Clint asked.

"Good question Mr. Barton," a voice came over the speakers. "I've brought you all here today to watch a trailer of a movie about Mr. Parker, or Spiderman."

Everyone looked to Peter and suddenly fights were breaking out.

"You brought a kid into this?" Steve yelled at Tony.

"You brought Wanda into this, so you have no room to talk. Besides I regret doing it, I shouldn't have!"

"Mr. Stark didn't do anything! I wanted to go!" Peter defended.

The voice cleared their throat. "You  can call me The Author or just Author is fine. Basically, I'm going to  show you a trailer and a few short clips. This is to show you the issue  with you all being apart. And to warn you. A titan called Thanos  is coming. And none of you are prepared or even aware that this is  happening. He wants to destroy half the universe and he will succeed if  you don't work together. These clips are of the aftermath."

Everyone was visibly tense after that and Tony threw an arm around Peter's shoulder, pulling him close.

"Great, now let's get started."

The screen showed an older looking Peter crouching on a roof top, his mask off. 

"Everywhere I go, I see his face," Peter voiced over.

The screen showed a short shot of a mural of Iron Man.

"I just really miss him."

"Wait, hold up did he just imply that Tony was dead?" Sam asked.

Peter whimpered and looked at his totally not father figure and Tony instantly let him curl into his side. 

"I don't-I don't know," stuttered Tony.

The screen faded to black and Happy showed up.

"Yeah, I miss him too."

The screen showed a heart broken looking Peter.

"I don't think Tony would have done what he did if he didn't know you were going to be here after he was gone," Happy told him.

"So, Tony's really dead?" Rhodey said uncertainly.

Tony shook his head. "We'll fix it."

The screen showed Peter in his Iron Spider suit flying around inside a building, webbing up shooters.

"You going to be the next Iron Man now?" a police officer asked.

"Well no I don't have time, I'm too busy doing your jobs,"

They all laughed at Peter's snarky comment but there was still an air of sadness in the room.

The officers made sounds of protest.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding; look keep up the good work because I am going on vacation."

The screen faded once more, and the music swelled. 

The Avengers React To Spiderman Far From Home trailer and clipsWhere stories live. Discover now