Illusions and The Train

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The Avengers waited in the movie theatre for about half an hour. They tried to talk but it was awkward. The civil war had broken them all.

"Are you ready for the next clip?" The voice came back.

A few people jumped.

"Let's hope you are, because this next clip is a big one. Some back story, Beck, or Mysterio is not a good guy. He was fooling Peter this whole time to get the Edith glasses. These were left to Peter by Tony and a note was left with them. 'For the next Tony Stark, I trust you.' and Edith stands for, Even Dead I'm The Hero. Peter gave these glasses to Beck when he thought he was good. He gave them to him because he didn't believe he was worthy to carry on with Tony's legacy. But this had been Beck's and his followers plan to get back at Tony for firing them. He was one of the people to help create the hologram sequence."

"I knew that I recognized him!" Tony exclaimed.

"Yes, but he will someday make things very difficult for young Peter. Now if you would all kindly return to your seats."

The Avengers made their way back to their seats and the screen came on once again.

Blue pixels faded from the walls.

"Alright it's just another-!"

Peter ducked as something came through the wall, ramming straight into Fury. He knocked up against the wall.


A drone came up behind Peter. It hit him straight in the chest causing him to fly off the ledge, making him hit every wall as he flew down.

He coughed as he landed.

"Peter!" Tony said.

"I'm probably fine Mr. Stark."

"Wait, you just fell really far and really fast, how are you not dead?" Clint asked.

"Super healing, strength, agility, among other things," Tony replied for him.

"Wow Peter, wow," Beck voiced over.

Peter started to stand up.

"I thought we were close. Fury always had to die."

Green lasers were on his chest.

"But not you."

"Stop hiding Beck!" Peter yelled. He used his web shooters to try and destroy one of the drones, but it turned out to be an illusion.

"Wait so, he's using these drones to make illusions?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, they weren't always drones, but he must have changed it so that he could cover a larger scale."

"I tried to help you walk away," Beck said as the illusions faded away to concrete and Peter stumbled around in confusion. "Now you're making me do this."

Peters once black suit turned into his red one. Loud crashes sounded behind Peter and he turned to see a room and Mysterio stalking towards him.

"You told me you were just a kid."

Peter tried using his web shooters again but all that came out was green fog.

Mysterio was behind him and Peter turned.

"You told me," Peter punched Mysterio but he punched concrete instead. He cradled his hand to his chest, "you wanted to run after that girl."

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