Chapter Five

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About two hours later everyone met up at Mal's place. They were all dressed in their Isle clothes and ready to go.
"Alright, so how are we going to do this?" Mal asked.
Everyone started thinking.
"Well this mission is probably going to take more than one day so we would need a place to stay, unless we stay at are old homes when the barrier was up." Evie said.
"Fish and chip closed, I'm homeless on the Isle." Uma said.
"I'm not going to my mothers." Carlos said, his voice a little shaky.
Celia rolled her eyes.
"Y'all can come to my place." She said.
Everyone looked at Celia.
"Sounds like a plan." Jay said.
"Okay, now how are we going to figure out who's doing this evil?" Mal said.
"Act as guards." Morgan suggested.
"What do you mean?" Mal asked.
"We can all pick a place on the Isle and watch people, but we'll keep a close eye on those who look and act suspicious." Morgan explained.
"And we'll report them to each other." Evie added.
"Yeah I have walkie talkies at my place." Carlos said.
"I thought you didn't want to go to your place." Mal said.
Carlos looked at Celia, who was twisting a lock of hair. Soon everyone was looking at Celia. Celia looked at them.
"What?" Celia asked.

The gang made to The Isle of the Lost and they were hiding in bushes across the street from Carlos's house. Celia grabbed her voodoo cards out of her pocket. She straightened the stack.
"You guys ready?" She asked.
Everyone nodded. Celia sighed as she stood up. She looked around to make sure no one was watching her.
"Celia!" Morgan whisper yelled. "You have grass in your hair."
Celia patted her hair. Grass fell out her hair like rain. She fixed her black leather jacket and walked across the street. She knocked on Cruella's door. About a few thumps, bumps, (and a bit of stumbling)  Cruella opened the door.
"Celia, darling, what are you doing here?" Cruella asked.
Celia smiles widely.
"I'm giving everyone on the Isle a better fortune, now that the barriers down I can give people their correct fortune." Celia replies.
Cruella sighs.
"Fine I don't see why not." She said, letting Celia in.

Carlos on the other hand began to lead everyone to the side of the house. In the back yard was a door that had a tunnel that lead to Carlos's room. (He made it when he was very young.)
"Okay everyone is going to have to climb." Carlos instructed in a low tone, as he opened the door.
Evie looked up at the treehouse in the backyard. She smiled, remembering when Carlos took her up there and they punched a hole in the barrier.
"Evie, come on." Carlos whispered.
Evie quickly ran to the tunnel and got in. The climb to Carlos's room was a workout by itself. Mal and the gang was a little sweaty, Evie's arms were noodles. Everyone panting.
"I think that tunnel was mistaken for a slide." Morgan said, out of breath.
Carlos ignored Morgan and he went to his dresser. He searched a box full of springs and wires and then his drawers. He couldn't find the walkie-talkies.
"I know I left them here." Carlos mumbled.
The gang heard Cruella laugh, they jumped at how loud it was. To their surprised the laugh wasn't wicked.
"Yeah something is definitely going on." Mal said.
Carlos nodded in agreement.

Celia and Cruella were sitting at the dining room table. Celia flicked her wrist and the cards spreader out in her hands.
"Pick a card, any card." Celia said.
Cruella smiled as she picked a card from Celia's deck. Celia fixed the rest of her cards and set them down beside her.
"I feel your future will be blinding." Celia said, taking the card away from Cruella.
Cruella smiles. Celia rubbed the card in the her hand and she found Cruella's fortune. But it didn't seem quite, . . . right. Celia frowned. She flipped the card over and looked at it.
"No, this can't be right!" Celia said.
"What, is it bad!" Cruella asked, alarmed.
Celia looks at Cruella.
"You will open a dog shelter and give them up for adoption." Celia said. "Like every other person. You wouldn't harm them or use their fur for a new fur coat."
Cruella frowned. Her eyes turned a light purple. So light Celia couldn't see it in Cruella's eyes. Cruella crosses her legs.
"Why is that so wrong, why would I harm dogs, I love them with all my heart, just like I do my beloved son, Carlos." Cruella said.
Celia was creeped out. Boom! Celia looked up at the ceiling and saw dust particles falling down.
"Now who could be in my house?" Cruella asked as she stood up.
"Who dares to come in your house!" Celia said, trying her best to keep Cruella downstairs. "Well, maybe something fell, Ooh you know what we should do, have a cup of tea." Celia said.
"I don't drink tea." Cruella said.
Celia began to stress out. That's when she remembered something.
"Hey! I gave you, your fortune, now give me my money." Celia said.
"Oh, yes, let me get my purse from upstairs." Cruella said, making her way up the stairs.
Why does everything have to be upstairs?
Morgan heard foot steps approaching them.
"Um someone's coming up." Morgan said.
"Everyone hide!" Carlos whisper yells.
Everyone scattered around the room to find a hiding spot.
Morgan hid under Carlos bed, where he found dirty socks and stale chips. Morgan frowned, he was disgusted. Carlos hid behind his door, to watch for his mom. Cruella walked right past his room. Carlos took of breathe of relief.
"Coast is clear everyone." Carlos said, coming out of his hiding spot.
Morgan came off from under the bed. He looked at Carlos.
"What?" Carlos asked.
"Nothing." Morgan lied.
"Hey, look I found the walkie talkies." Jay said, coming out of the closet.
He grabbed a box down from a shelf in the closet. There in the box were seven walkie talkies, all red, white, and black.
"Alright, lets go." Carlos said.

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