First Meeting

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Bella POV
Suddenly I felt nervous and started to think about if I made the right choice telling Jasmine who I was looking at. As I was sitting there watching, Jasmine noticed that the players were finished training and meeting fans. "Why don't we go over there and say hi? said Jasmine. "Shouldn't we wait for there to be less people"? little did Jasmine know that I'm nervous but she was ok with waiting for a bit.

While Jasmine and I were talking we noticed that there is less people surrounding the oval. So we decided to walk over, we found a spot to stand and wait. I looked over to Jasmine and said "who are you excited to see"? Well I have my favorites but out of all of them Josh Caddy is my favorite"said Jasmine with a smile on her face.

As we were talking and laughing we saw the guys walking towards us so we were telling ourselves to stay calm and breathe and getting our phones ready for the photos to be taken.

The guys walked up to us and already I can feel butterflies in my stomach because questions started running through my head such as what do I say, how do I act then I said to myself snap out of it and be yourself. 

Jasmine's favorite player Josh Caddy walked over to us, I could see how happy Jasmine. He introduced himself to her, she said "Hi I'm Jasmine, can I please take a photo with you?" Yeah sure he said in a friendly tone, she said thank you, your my favorite player by the way she said with a smile on her face. Aw thanks said Josh.

I looked to the right to see who else is walking, I saw who is coming our way and put my head down, I let Jasmine know who is coming towards us, she was excited for me because she knew that I was looking at him before, I hit her arm in a friendly way and said to her "your loving how nervous I am aren't you"? and she said "yeah its cute". 

As I looked up I saw him, the guy that Jasmine told me about, he introduced himself . I noticed his eyes, smile and how friendly he is. "May I have a photo please?" I asked Brandon and in a friendly tone of voice he accepted. With a smile I said "thank you. He asked who's your favorite player and I said "you are", he replied "good answer, see you around". I said bye.

I took deep breathe out as Jasmine looked at me and said "what was that" with a high pitched tone I said "what" with my arms like this 🤷🏼‍♀️ her eyes pointed over to Brandon and then looked at me. "Ok that was nothing I just asked him for a photo, I was being myself like you said". "And the see you around part"? she said in a questionable tone. "Oh come on he was just being polite". We walked back to our car and drove away, as I said thank you to Jasmine for bringing me to the training session and let her know that I had fun.

Is there something between Brandon and Bella? I enjoyed writing this chapter it was fun for me to write, I hope you enjoy reading it. As always let me know what you think by writing feedback as well as giving each chapter a vote because I appreciate it. Thank you

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