Chapter 1

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"Revoda!" Resvale called out. "Excuse me sir. Did you see a girl with long, red hair run by? No? Well, thank you for your time. Revoda!" Suddenly a holographic man appeared in front of her.

"Have you found my daughter yet?"

"Negative, your Highness. She is still missing. It's as if she never even existed!"

"Well, keep looking," the hologram of the King said to his second in command. "Zavord out." The hologram disappeared. The instant it did, a girl with long, red hair ran across the docking station. Resvale followed her to a shack where she stopped to stare at a spider with 10 legs scurry across the door. Resvale slowly approached her.

"I know you're there, Resvale," the girl, who was Revoda, stated before turning around to face her.

"Revoda, were you hiding here this whole time?! Why didn't you come back home?! Your father has been worried sick about you!" Revoda held up her hand to silence Resvale.

"Let's just go home. I'll answer your questions later."

Resvale sighed, "Alright." Redova walked with Resvale back to the docking station where Resvale summoned all of the guards. Once they all arrived, they walked over to an area enclosed with a glass like fence. Within the fence were nine circular pedestals. Each guard stood upon a pedestal. Suddenly, the fence started to become opaque. It went from crystal clear to brick red. Then, from each fence post shot a green light. The lights all met at the top and once they did, the guards glowed with a blinding light and were gone. Resvale ushered Redova towards the teleporter.

"Aren't you going to come?"

"No. I have to stay here and wait for your father to return." Redova shrugged and stood upon the center pedestal. She shut her eyes and concentrated hard on the palace. As she did so, the fence posts were already shooting their green light into the air. When all the lights had met directly above her, she felt the familiar sensation of being pulled apart and glued back together that came from teleportation.

When Redova was finally able to open her eyes, she was in her luxurious bedroom. She looked around and saw her pet, Nibbles, curled up on her bed. She walked over to her gigantic bed and scratched the dog like creature behind his ears. Nibbles whaled as she did so. "Okay, okay! I get it! You want to sleep." Redova stopped and patted his head.

She sat down on the opposite side of the bed to her vetrone when the door burst open. "REDOVA!" A young man raced into the room and engulfed Redova in a hug. After releasing her from his rib cracking hug, he launched question after question at her. "Where were you? What happened? Why didn't you come back for lunch? Why-"

"Whoa, whoa, Wenther! I can only answer one question at a time you know," said Redova.

"Well, if it isn't Princess Redova," a girl with brown, curly hair called from the doorway.

"Victoria," Redova acknowledged.

"I see that you are back from your little trip," the girl snickered. Wenther glared over at Victoria. Realizing that she had been the one to teleport Redova away. You see, earlier that day Victoria had asked to have a word with Redova in the teleporter room. She reluctantly agreed. Once they were in the room Victoria shoved Redova on a pedestal and thought hard of somewhere far away from the palace. When people finally notice she was gone, the King immediately sent out search parties and, you know the rest.

"How dare you enter the Princess' quarters after what you have done," Wenther shouted at Victoria.

"What ever do you mean," Victoria asked playing dumb. Right as Wenther was about to attack her for sending his best friend away Redova placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Leave her be Wenther. She's not worth it." Victoria muttered some extremely insulting words direct to Wenther. Redova shot her a death stare as her brilliant green eyes began to turn blood red. A terrified expression was plastered on Victoria's face as she scrambled out of the room.

"Thanks, Redova."

"Don't mention it," Redova said as she plopped herself back on her bed.

"So, what are you going to wear to the ball tonight," Wenther asked curiously.

"What ball?"

"Your birthday ball, of course!" Wenther exclaimed. Redova groaned. She had forgotten about her own birthday. She mentally face palmed herself.

"To be honest, I don't know."

"Well, you can't wear that," Wenther stated gesturing to her brown t-shirt and jeans.

"Why not?" she questioned.

"Because this is your 13th birthday ball! Don't you know what happens at the age of thirteen?"

"No," Redova declared.

"You find out what your abillity is, silly."

"Oh yeah," Redova said remembering how important it was. You see, every female of their race found out what they were truly capable the night of the day of their thirteenth year of life. 16th for boys. Wenther had an excited look on his face. "What is it Wenther?"

"I shouldn't give this to you until tonight but, I just can't wait any longer! Bring it in!" he shouted and a maid brought in a beautiful, teal gown.

"Wenther, you shouldn't have!" Redova cried as she held the gown up against her. Wenther blushed slightly.

"I saw it at a store and thought of you." The maid who had brought in the gown tapped him on the shoulder. "What? Is it really that time? Redova the ball will be starting soon. You'd better get ready." And with that, he and the maid left the room along with Nibbles trotting after them. Redova closed the door behind them and changed into her birthday present.

She pulled her hair into a neat french braid and placed a headdress, that was similar to a necklace, on her head. When she had finished adjusting the headdress, Redova could see that guests were just barely starting to arrive in their fancy, flying cars. She could hear names being yelled to the others to let them know who had arrived. Of course she could go now but, it would be considered very insulting not to wait for an escort. She wondered who would be her escort. Redova hoped it would be at least someone she knew.

There was a sudden knock then the door creaked open. King Zavord stood there, all dressed up. "Daddy!" Redova raced over to her father and wrapped her arms around him. The King smiled down at his daughter and hugged her back. Then gently stepped back to take a look at her.

"You look just like your mother," he said. Redova's happy smile faded away. She turned her head away from her father.

"I wish she was still here," she sniffed.

"But she is. In here," he soothed patting Redova's head. "The memories of people will never fade as long as you keep your heart strong." Redova looked up at her father and gave him one last hug before leaving with him to meet up with her real escort.


Author's Note:

Hello. My name is Pennyca. This is one of my first stories for Wattpad. I hope you have enjoyed it so far. I am currently working on the second chapter, but I really want to know your thoughts. So please, comment your thoughts or send me a Private Message. I really want to get some feedback. Thanks for reading this.

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