The creepy stalker...

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I was walking home one evening and was up on the road from my house, about 5 minutes walk away. As I’m walking I see this guy go up an alley, apparently not see something he was hoping to see, and turned around. We briefly made eye contact but there was nothing to it and he was walking really slowly. By the time I’d walked another 30 seconds down the road I looked back as I was turning the corner and he had only just emerged back from that alley.

I’m now heading down the road leading to my street and there’s a guy getting into his truck with his wife, the truck is facing up the street in my direction. He flashes his headlights which I didn’t quite understand, then I hear a scuff behind me.

The guy from the alley is right, right behind me, like within arms reach.

…even though I heard nothing until he was right there. I’m pretty sure I visibly jumped upon seeing him so close, and he’s walking like an absolute demon. I mumble a greeting out of pure reflex and start to cross to the other side of the road, removing my backpack in the process.

He doesn’t respond to my greeting or even look at me, he’s just looking dead ahead like I’m not even there. He just starts running as soon as I moved. He bolts down the road and turns right into another alley, and I hear some banging on a wooden fence. As I walk past the alley about 30 seconds later I take a glance and it’s empty, he must have vaulted a fence or something.

I still don’t know how that guy moved so fast to catch up to me in such a short space of time, nor how I didn’t hear him. I’ve got some pretty good hearing and he must have been sprinting to catch up to me.



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