The Weekend part 1

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Leanne's P.O.V

I was just in the house playing my drum kit that i got for my birthdy when all of a sudden my living room door got Swang open. It was Beckie she was panicing, I hopped up from my drum kit and calmed her down. "Beckie, it's alright you will be fine he is just a boy" I told her she was panicing over Kieran cause it was today she was hanging out with him. 

"Yea, i know he i just a boy Leanne but what if he doesn't ant to be friends with me, You know how hard I find it to make new friends" she was speaking really fast again. Beckie always speaks really fast when she is nurves, Thats why I'm her best friend it's cause i always calm her down in stressful times just like this one. 

"Right lets get you dressed up so you can impress this Kieran dued" I said to her, We walked up to my room and choosed a simple blue crop top and some black leggings with blue and white trainers. I done her make up for her, it wasnt to dark and it wasnt to pale it was just right for her skin colour, I know some boys don't like girls wareing to much make up. Personaly i don't like waring make up cause i don't like being fake. 

I only keep some make up in my room for my friends incase they need some, Beckie was getting her hair all straight and then she started getting ready. After Beckie finshed getting ready she came down stairs and got her bag and phone. She headed off out of my door and headed to the bus stop to wait for her bus to go and meet Kieran. 


Hey guys it's Leanne, So we have finally updated and sorry if this chapter isnt that good. It is because i have had writers block. 






And all the other things

We love all our readers xxxx

Lot's Of Love, 

Leanne and Beckie xxxxx

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