and it hurts so

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and it hurts so
but I walk away
my shadow disappearing
as the sun moves behind
the clouds.

and I loved you so
when we danced
danced through the starlight
you spun and you leaped
and yet you did not fall
no, not yet.

and what happened to those days?
I miss them, you know
no lies
or hate
or insults coming from our mouths

and now is the worst
quite fake
are plastered on our faces
pretending to love all we do not
and hate all we do.

and at night we tear those façades
from our faces
the glue ripping
scratching skin
no more do you dance for me.

and when you do
it is not a dance of love
but one of lies
twisting and hissing
like snakes
love turned to venom.

and what happened to those days?
the ones gone by
when you danced for me
danced for me, love
among the stars
and the night
and the beauty

and what happened to your love?

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