Flashing Lights (Cover)

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Flashing lights (x4)

I used to be so open minded
You could say what I wrote was blinded
Lined it up on paper with a mind to bind it
A reminder of me life and how I used to find it
Dreams, thoughts streamed, documented flotsam
Green, haven't blossomed
Trees, when I chopped them
I took it to the roots, I was leaving it to nature
Compositions were the sweetest fruits of my labour
But see, writing was never work
'Cause worthless words just surfaced for the purpose
Of entertaining idle thoughts
It was my own child support
'Cause time was all I could afford
Humblest beginning, I was young and I was innocent
If I sold my prose to pros
They wouldn't even pay a cent
But that was the foundation of the single best investment
Penned my reflection
Studied famous authors knowing I would be the next one

Flashing lights (x4)

I was a writer in development
Enveloped in the elegance
Presented on the television
Reverent to relevance and hesitant to deviate
I recreate
Inebriate myself just to alleviate
Damn, I wasn't flowing with the current
I dipped into the mainstream
It washed away the person
I yearned to be, was blurring me
My earnest words deserting me
Alluring me with currency
Unnervingly reversing me
Looking back at my beginning
It was passionately driven
By the passages I'd written
So what happened to my innocence
My catalyst, ambition
With imaginative wishing
Had me tragically conditioned
Laughably consistent with the masses' inclinations
But my craft wasn't distinguished
By some blasted imitation
So I'm actively persistent
In recapturing vivid visions
When flashing lights diminish
I'm the last to be extinguished

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