chapter 2, the run in.

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As they headed on to the next area , kyrans exceed cloud flew in a rush before the rest to the next area.
" CLOUD WAIT UP PAL! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S DOWN THERE! " said kyran as he followed his cat, worried of what he may run into " Hehe don't worry I'll be fine! " Replied cloud as he looked back then bumped into something... He fell toe the ground holding his head looking around " Huh? " Cloud looked upward then down and saw a purple female exceed lied out on the ground " Oh no! " Cloud ran to the female exceed and pulled her up shaking her " A-are you okay miss?! " He said, the female exceed slowly opening their eyes.

" W-what happened? Oh hey it's you who I bumped into huh! Sorry! " The female exceed said bowing as cloud grinned " No worries, it's my fault for not looking! " The rest of the group finally caught and looked at the two talking as Julia squeeled seeing the female exceed " CAN I HAVE IT CAN I CAN I! "  She said running to it and hugging it.
" Its up to the exceed baby, what do you say lavender kitty? " Kyran said as the female exceed nodded looking at cloud blushing " Y-yes I can be her exceed " Cloud raises his hand as the two exceeds high fived in sync

" Alright! Cool!, that will make Julia and cloud happy " Kyran said and kept walking as the purple exceed flew into Julia's head relaxing and cloud flew into kyrans shoulder. " Hmph!.. " Maria said with a  frown on her face " I want a little kitty of my own!! " She huffed and kicked the dust as she walked with them.
" Relax mari " Zanex spoke sternly kinda annoyed from the yelling. " Hmph whatever you say scar boy. " She pouted and kept walking then suddenly a guy came up to them yelling gibberish and kyran held his shoulder gently. " Sir relax, what's the problem? Can you tell me slowly " He said while the guy took a deep breath " Well you see there's this little demon looking thing chasing me! It's about 2 feet tall! But vicious "  Kyran laughed " Wow, let me handle the-' he got cut off by cloud as he spoke " No kyran, let me handle this.. This should be easy for me! " Cloud ran towards the creature then turned into a mini dragon and roared black and red flames at it sending some trees tumbling backwards then he sticks his claws Into it's head and throws it into the ground letting it die slowly before he turns back into a exceed and hops on kyran again " See I told ya! ~" Cloud chuckles as the group was amazed that the little fella had all that potential.
" Good job buddy! " Kyran said while the old guy bowed " Thank you for helping me with that demon thing! " The guy ran into the distance back into his home as the group resumed heading further " So what do you think of this Phoenix girl? " Maria said looking at the ground.
" Oh her? Probably just some edgy chick with a sadistic attitude problem, don't worry we will break that attitude once we get to her.. She won't stand a chance ' kyran said grinning then Emilia spoke " B-but ky we don't know how strong or  powerful she really is , we need to run into this with a clear mind I don't want you or the others getting hurt. " She looked to the side whining
" Awe, bestie I'll be just fine.. Hell I'll handle her alone " Julia gasped and flicked kyran " Like hell are you! I don't care if she's weak I ain't taking chances losing you baka. " She hugs  kyran from behind as he sighed smiling softly " Fine... But if yall get hurt let me handle it. "
______________ new area. _____________
The group arrived in a new area, which was very foggy and eerie looking kyrans nose flinched as it wreaked of demon smell. " Okay, I can sense we better be on our guard, I smell tons of demon hiding in the fog ready to strike at anytime, me being  demon dragon slayer I could handle them  even in the fog cause I can track their scent. " Emilia gulped and had a flashback when he mentions demons and begins to tear up " I-i-... I'm sorry. " She said. " For what bestie? You didn't do anything wrong. " I know.. Just brings back bad memories I'll do fine, ky. " Maria  ran into her bear hugging and giggling " Hey cheer up! We won't let anything happen to you! We got this right guys? " Kyran, zanex and Julia nodded at the same time winking at Emilia as she began to smile and wipe her tears " T-thanks you guys.. "  Emilia and them sat down and brought out their food as they haven't ate in a day or so. " Mmmm " Kyran said heating up his tacos with his black and red flames as he begins to chomp on it while Emilia and julia also ate tacos as Maria ate pizza with zanex and cloud ate a taco and burped flying around  happy  , until the group heard a demonic screech from the distance , the figure walked from the fog and it showed a siren for a head, with another attached to it.. It's limbs long and tall the sites blare loudly causing echoes as Emilia froze in fear and julia held onto her as kyran and zanex stand in front of them gulping " What the hell is this thing?! " Kyran said looking at it closely as it begin to walk towards them faster in a eerily manner " Prepare to attack this thing guys! This creature is something I've never seen before.. Kinda scares me! Don't worry bestie and babe we will handle this "  Kyran and zanex charged at the thing, but something happened the creature got louder and the sound caused them to fall down and hold their ears " It's so loud!! What do we do! "

He said as the creature walked menacingly to them with the fog and trees , it's arms raising up ready to strike but suddenly kyran and zanex uses their magic to  block the attack and blast it at the demons metal sirens head, but it deflected and w...

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He said as the creature walked menacingly to them with the fog and trees , it's arms raising up ready to strike but suddenly kyran and zanex uses their magic to  block the attack and blast it at the demons metal sirens head, but it deflected and went into the distance exploding trees  " Jeez he's tough! "  Zanex said getting annoyed, then he uses his sand magic to form a giant sound storm as the particles clog up the sirens muffling the noise. " Good job zan, let's get this creep! " Kyran grinned and formed black and red flames , then makes it into a ball as he tosses it into the creature knocking one of its arms off then zanex  goes behind it  " Lost white magic!  Glittering blades of pure white death.. " He frowned annoyed and blades made from glowing white Launched at the creature cutting one of it's sirens off as or growled and smacked zanex into the ground with blunt force nearly breaking his nose in one blow " Ah! " Zanex said falling back " Zanex! " Kyran growled and leaped toward the creature then was smacked back just like zanex then they both stand up and kyran uses his cloud magic to fly himself to one side then zanex makes a sand mountain running upward on it to the other side " BLACK AND RED FLAMES, CONSUMPTION OF EVIL! "  Kyran said launching the attack which was black and red flames but with a little trick in it to drain the skin of things and any metal, so it pulled the other siren inside red and black flames burning it. " LOST WHITE MAGIC, ORB OF MICHAEL! '  a white orb formed in zanex's hand and he placed it against the creature as it tore it to shreds with mini explosions, kyran and zanex hop down as the creature falls backwards " WOOO WE DID IT! " Kyran says smirking but cloud frowns looking into the distance , there were multiple of the same creature along with a even bigger one " Fuck.. Hurry guys to the next area! " The group headed off passed them sense they moved slowly.

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