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This is also posted on my tumblr @/tthollands

Prompt - 'it will kill you if you don't say please'

Word Count - 1,428

Warning- Just some curse words!

Part 1/? Maybe?

Your hands gripped the dusty railing as you made your way up the creaking steps. The smell of mold and mildew overtaking your senses. Your heart was racing against your chest with every slightly noise. You could feel your body shaking as you made you way closer to the room.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Lisa gushed as her sneakers squeaked against the old wooden floors. Her hair roughly swaying as she practically bolted up the stairs, taking three at a time. Her excitement clearly shown as she did nothing to mask it. "Come on slow pokes the fun is about to begin!"

The fun is about to begin, oh god that was the last thing you ever wanted to hear. You wanted so badly for her rethink everything and forget this horrendous plan and just go home. You wanted to leave, fooling around with supernatural force was something you wished to never take a part of. You knew how strong these things could be and if you slip up and release it from his other worldly hold. Let's just say they're will be hell to pay.

"Lisa are you sure this is a good idea? I mean you're trying to summon a fucking demon!" Jisoo asked her nails tapping along the old, stained walls. Her expression was unamused as she examined the whole set up. The oh so famous Ouija board and those stupid candles giving on a decent amount of light. Lisa furrowed her brows and shook her head

. "Oh my god, since when do these things ever work, Jisoo! I'm just trying to have some fun on halloween." Lisa mumbled as she sat on the floor and crossed her legs. Her hard gaze moved from Jisoo, to you, but this time a very soft expression overtook her face. "Y/n are you gonna leave me hanging as well?"

Absolutely, I wanna peace the fuck out and go home. You thought as you chewed on the inside of your lip. You didn't wanna upset her, but on the same note you didn't wanna stay another minute in this stupid, abandoned house. Your eyes locked with hers, god those oh so pretty eyes, you practically caved instantly. With a agitated huff you sank down onto the cold ground. Her smile getting wider.

"Come on Jisoo, just thirty minutes." You softly smiled as you patted the seat next to you. You saw her eyes roll back into her head, but nonetheless join the little circle. You placed your two fingers on the board piece. Slowly, but surely everyone placed theirs as well.

"Hello, is there anyone here?" You questioned as you ghosted your fingers over the piece. You all waited thirty seconds, nothing. Lisa raised her eyebrows as she stared at you. She looked irritated and it hasn't even been the first three minutes yet!

"Y/n remember what I said, you have to use the magic word. It's what the paper says to do,"

You rolled your eyes, and slowly breathed through your mouth. "Please, is anyone there?"





The letters were quickly spelled out, making your body jerk from left to right. The suddenly movement making your arms knock over the closest candle to you. Your skinn burned as the freshly heated wax coated your thighs and the still light lit flame leaving a burn mark in its path.

"Shit!" You scrambled to stand up, the wax already have hard, but the burning sensation still tingling your thighs. Hastily scraping the wax off you and blowing out the candle you tried to calm down your heart beat. "Guys please tell me that was a joke."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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