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Just so you know, this is one of my first books, so bare with me. All feedback is welcome, so leave comments and vote on this if you so wish.
To all the How to Train Your Dragon fans out their, thank you for reading this, and even if your just checking this out and have no idea what How to Train Your Dragon is, I thank you to.
Also, for anything rated with numbers in these chapters (Jaw Strength, Speed etc.) they are ranked out of 20. So if you see number like 18 next to a label like that, just know it's a score out of 20.
Thank you to the HTTYD Fandoms for the information and size pictures. Pictures not found on Fandoms have maker underneath them. Thank you to all those who made/took/posted the pictures at the tops of the chapters.

Now, without further ado, I give you The Book of Dragons!

The Dragon Classes
These are so you have a guide to all the different dragon classes to help you get a feel for the dragons and what they're like.

Strike Class- Speed, vice-like jaw strength and extreme intelligence, pin point accuracy and powerful and even explosive attacks.

Stoker Class- Hot-headed fire breathers. This class includes dragons that can set themselves on fire and many of the smaller dragon species.

Mystery Class- Stealthy and sneaky, little is known about these dragons. These dragons tend to be more feared than dragons in other classes.

Tidal Class- Live in or near the ocean, do not breath fire. Very few of these dragons fly even if they do have wings, preferring stay in the water.

Tracker Class- Great hunters, these dragons have an amazing sense of smell and taste that allows them to track down almost anything.

Sharp Class- Vain and prideful dragons. They have sharp body parts, like a Deadly Nadder's spines.

Boulder Class- Ground dwelling or earth dragons. They are tough and are not picky eaters, though some do eat rocks.

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