Chapter 5

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Train of thoughts always brought tears in his eyes, it always nagged him about his incapability, his lack of efforts and failure. His actions, more like , lack of actions costed him alot. Tears stained his black mask, so he took them off, trying to breathe harder, filling his dry lungs that ached. But that proved to be a wrong move, because he should have known that it was the time when Taehyung always returned from his job and the same happened.

The moment Jungguk removed his mask, Taehyung caught his familiar face. It took Taehyung  a few milliseconds to recognize, to process, and to run away as if caught a ghost in site. Jungguk was frozen at his place, internally blaming his luck to be caught yet again because of his stupidity.

Taehyung ran away to Jimin who was supposedly in their apartment already after work. He knocked hard on the door, causing his knuckles to turn white. Jimin who was unaware of the situation, came up running from the kitchen to the door, opening swiftly to see a panting Taehyung with an startled expression. Taehyung entered the room in a flash, wiping his sweat off with his sleeves and avoiding Jimin's worried gaze to calm himself down, and Jimin let him, waiting until Taehyung spoke. He closed the door and stood in front of Taehyung who was coming down from his high.

"What the hell is that stalker doing here, chim?! Why did you appoint him?!" It was more like an exclamation than a question, leaving Jimin awestruck.

"W...what are you talking about ? Whh.... what stalker?" Jimin tried to come up with every excuses in his mind that could satisfy his anxious best friend, but it seemed a lil bit tough now.

"You appointed that stalker as our guard chim, are you kidding me?"

"W......w...which stalker?....J.. .Just calm down Taehyung. What are you saying?"
Jimin stuttered hard, he wanted to face palm himself at that time, but that wouldn't be feasible.

"That cab driver. That creepy guy I told you about. That shameless fellow worked at the convenience store last week and now he is here, as our guard. What the fuck is happening chim?!" "You said that you appointed him? Why would you do that?"

"I ......I didn't know he was the same cab driver Tae. If you remember I didn't find him suspicious that day, how would I know?"

Taehyung grew silent after listening to Jimin. Yes, he remembered how Jimin had brushed off the whole matter, so it was likely to be forgotten by him. Jimin didn't even know about the convenience store matter, so it was possible that Jimin was clueless about the whole ordeal. But he couldn't let that stranger wander near his apartment, encountering him for about three times now, it was more than suspicious for him to let the matter slip away. So Taehyung demanded Jimin to suspend him right at that moment.

"Just fire him now.....or wait up....I'll inform cops.....that would be better. Yeah! "

"NO..... I.....I, don't call cops on him." Jimin could feel his heartbeat now, beating erratically at its own pace, he couldn't let that happen, because that could be a tragedy. Calling cops on Jungguk could leave him behind the bars in no time, and now that their plan was going so well, he couldn't take up that risk.

"Are you serious chim? I'm telling you, he's been following me, how can we not call the cops."

"Ahh...okay ..okay....calm down... we'll call the cops, but not now. We'll go tomorrow, it's late today. I'm exhausted........I'm hungry Tae, we'll go tomorrow for sure." Jimin could see that Taehyung was struggling, engines in his brain functioning to accept the offer or not.

He wanted to call cops, he didn't want to take risk considering how frequent the man had showed up, but couldn't help but give up, as it was indeed late and he was hungry too. They'll go tomorrow, it wouldn't harm to delay one more night where he remained clueless for a week.

Jimin called up Jungguk as soon as Taehyung went up for a shower. Jungguk knew what was coming, but he dared to hope, that the matter wouldn't be much serious. So here they were, both at the corridor outside the apartment, with Jimin whisper yelling at Jungguk as expected.

"What do you think you are doing, huh? Do you wanna get caught, now that we are so close to our goal."

Jungguk could only stand gaping at the floor, he knew he was careless enough to get caught and it was really stupid now that they were close in seeking revenge.

"We can't take risks now Jungguk.....he is on his toes to call cops on you, do you know that?!"

And the situation couldn't get any worst now, and Jungguk could feel that.

"I ....I think you should tell him. There's no way now. We can't let the situation go out of control Jungguk ..... We have been waiting for this since he was admitted last year. You have to tell him everything."
Jungguk didn't move, it was clear that he wasn't choosing the same as an option. For him, telling Taehyung wasn't even in the option to be considered in the crisis, so he stood blank, contemplating the situation.

" Why the fuck are you quiet now damnit! Just tell Taehyung everything. Don't keep him in dark Jungguk. He needs to know!"


Silence creeped into the air, making the situation tense and serious. Both were stressed, thinking what to do next.
But Jungguk and Jimin  didn't know that the person on the other side wasn't taking it easy. The words that fell in to his ears weren't subtle, weren't helping his growing anxious mind. The air gushing out of his lungs left a burning sensation, making him dizzy. Questions-unanswered were weighed double on his brain, hammering until exhaustion, until he fainted.

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