Aawwww Is Mawfow Jewous

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I awoke to the sound of splashing at my window. I looked over at the time to see it was 6:30am.

I decided to change into my robes, get my books and leave for breakfast.

Timeskip to the Great Hall

I walked into the hall and all eyes were on me, and not in a good way. Even the Slytherins looked disgusted.

I then saw the trio wave me over and smiled, heading towards them. Everyone was gasping and staring as I approached my friends.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you?" Hermione asked happily, ignoring the eyes on us.

I smiled and sat next to her, helping myself to food.

"I'm as well as I can be" I smiled sadly.

She gave me an empathetic smiled and a side hug.

"It's alright (Y/n), you have us" Harry spoke reassuringly.

"Y-yea-h wh-at h-e s-ai-d" Ron said with a mouth full of food, gulping it down and smiling at me.

I was slightly disgusted but shrugged it off and smiled anyway.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot" we all grinned happily and continued eating.

I was enjoying myself when I felt someone burning holes through my head. I turned to see the blonde boy from last night, I tapped Hermione's shoulder.

"Hey Hermione, Who's that blonde boy at the Slytherin table?" I asked and she sighed.

"That's Draco Malfoy, a real arse as I'm sure you saw last night. He's made it his mission to taunt Harry, Ron and I since first year" she said rather frustrated.

I nodded and dropped the subject going back to cheerful conversations.

Timeskip to first class, Divination.

"It's strange how we happen to be in all the same classes" Ron said.

"Yeah it is" I replied confused.

Though not really as Al suggested these subjects. Minnie also told me about giving Hermione a time turner so she could balance taking almost every subject at this school. Which I personally don't see why she would want to but whatever.

Ron, Harry and I were sitting at a table listening to Professor Sybill Trelawney, though I just call her Syb. She's a sweet lady, just a little... well, strange.

Suddenly Hermione was next to us and put input into the current conversation at hand.

"Where did you come from?" Ron asked utterly confused.

Harry just shrugged and I sighed.

"She's been here the whole time, honestly Ron you really can be blind sometimes" I said sassily.

Hermione looked at me confused, I just smirked and winked, going back to listening to Syb.

I gazed into the tea cup and looked at the leaves for Hermiones readings, I was about to speak when Ron started telling Harry's.

"This will be interesting" I thought.

Rons prediction didn't seem right, I don't think he's cut out for this subject.

Then Syb gasped loudly and tossed Harry's cup back onto the table.

"Y-you have the Grimm" she looked terrified.

I gasped at what she said and looked at Harry. I know Syb might be a bit strange but some of her productions have come true, and I know Harry's track record with this kind of stuff.

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