Getting to Know the bookclub Better.

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1. Purposes of this bookclub.

1.1  To boast your book awareness.

1.2  To help your book get the reads and comments it deserves.

1.3  To keep up with your book alongside with your office work/ school activities.

1.4  To help you find your fellow author.

2. How it works.

2.1 There are groups, in which we choose a partner for you according to your preferred Genre.

2.2  There will be enough time for you to finish at least fifteen (15) chapters of your partner's book/story.

2.3. There are three different groups, but then you can be in all three and remember being in all three will require more work for you.

2.4  You can either be in the Beta readers group, the constructive critiques group or the supportive readers group.

2.5  Your book can only appear in Book Of The Months, the Book Of the year will be awarded to the most effective member.

2.6  The book tagged as Book Of The Year will be read by all the members.

2.7  once every member is done with his/her assignment, there will be a shuffle.

2.8  There will be no weekly assignment, only BOTMs remember this a book club for the busy.

2.9  A member who keeps up with all the assignment, gets an interview and a free will to tell TCA something him/her wants in the bookclub.

Password:- Tag six people that might be interested in this bookclub.

3. Rules.

3.1 You must follow your partner.

3.2  follow the bookclub managers.

3.3  All assignments must be done before the deadline date, except there's a reasonable/important reason behind not doing the assignment and that reason should be sent via Pm to this profile.

3.4 No insults in any form, any member reported for insult would be stricken out of our bookclub and added to our black list.

3.5 Add your partner's book to a reading list.

3.6  Your reviews must be submitted to thechampawards, Torieasy, i_and_only_El or NiyatiChaurasia (For the beta group only.)

3.7.  You must give at least three supportive comments on each chapter with the #tag - #champbc below each comment. (For the supportive group)

3.8  On each chapter, you're to give a constructive critique of at least four lines on each chapter with #champbc below your comment. (For the constructive critiques group)

3.8  Always add #champbc below your comment otherwise, your comments won't be counted. (I.e You haven't done the assignment.)

3.9  Any member who has failed to do his/her assignment will be stricken out after two warnings from any of the bookclub managers.

3.10  Fill the form in one comment and reply to your comment there is an omission.

PS:- If you have read through and you can abide by the rules move over to the next page and fill the form for the group you want to be in, then await your acceptance which isn't that late.

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