Chapter 2.

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(A/N yes I know, another shitty chapter. But I'm feeling pretty shitty atm to. But I promised an update at least once a week, so here it is. I've only had 7 readers, which really sucks. But I wish I had more, because I like that people read my stuff, makes me feel good, even if the writing is shitty. Picture is Mr. Rount.)

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Chapter 2.

Luna's POV

I looked up at the voice at nearly groaned when I saw it was the guy that saved me from getting hit. ''Look I'm so grateful,'' I said with deep sarcasm, then what came out next both shocked me and scared me, because it's the most I've spoke in years. ''That you saved me from getting run over,but did you really have to follow me into my school and find me for a better apology? Because I hate to break it to you but that's not how I roll. I don't give sex in thanks, so you can kindly take your fine ass and leave the premises, that'd be good.''

Instead of doing what I said, this fella burst out laughing, to the point where he was bending over trying to get his breath back while I was sat scowling at him. ''Do you find this funny mate? Because I really don't.'' I snapped and I did mean it unkindly.

He suddenly stopped laughing. ''No I don't find this funny, well partially I do.'' I raised one of my eyebrows, even though he couldn't see it behind my hair. ''Oh please, do fucking enlighten me to what you find funny!''

''It's the fact that you think I chased you for sex! Do I really look like that sort of guy?'' I looked from his head to feet, and all I saw was an egotistical, yet really handsome, guy. I stopped checking him out an answered him, even though I didn't want to.

''Yes actually, you do.'' His mouth dropped open and a small gasp came out and I couldn't help but stare at his lips whole I spoke quickly before he could. ''Now if you don't mind, you disturbed my reading time. Goodbye.''

I had expected him to make some snarky remark, because doesn't everyone when they've been insulted? But he just walked away and left me to my book, thank god.

When the bell rang at the end of lunch, 2:25PM, I folded the page corner over that I was on, and put my book in my bag then got up and walked out the library to my final class, after throwing my empty can in the bin.

It took me longer than I thought to reach the art classroom so knew I would get in trouble for being late and I deliberated on whether I should actually go in, but I knew I would get in even worse trouble if I completely bunked off instead of just turning up late.

Room 2, Art and Design, Mr. Rount. I pushed open the door and blushed in embarrassment when the whole class stared at me so I quickly muttered and excuse to being late and walked quickly to the seats at the back without looking up to see the teacher's face, and I sat down and took out the mandatory sketchbook and pencil set.

''As I was saying class, before Miss. Jameson came in late hence the distraction, your mid-term sculptures will need to be finished by next Tuesday, so I can grade then before we leave for the trip. Carry on with your work. Miss Jameson,  a word outside if you would.'' I looked up from where I was laying my pencils in a line and I sighed before shuffling awkwardly to the front of the room then out the door, and leaned against the wall waiting for Mr. Rount.

I heard the door open and close and I quickly pulled my sleeve down to cover my arms, even though it was at least 20ºC inside and I was boiling, but I couldn't have people seeing my habits. No way. ''So,  Luna. Care to tell me why you were late?'' Shit, it can't be him. Why didn't I listen when he was speaking, I am so screwed now!

''I-I'' I stuttered out and he raised his eyebrow as on to say 'carry on' I cleared my throat and started to speak again, even though I was distracted by his glittering eyes. ''I lost track of time.''

''Well considering I saw you not minutes before the bell rang yet I still managed to arrive before lesson begun. Next excuse?'' He folded his arms and leaned against the wall across from me.

''It's the truth!'' He started to tap his foot irritably. ''Plus, I got lost, I am new you know!'' I know it was a bad idea to pull the newbie card, but quite frankly he was pissing me off! First he tried to find out my life story seconds after we met, then he stalks me to the library, THEN I find out he's my art teacher, that I cussed out!

''Considering you came the other week to look around that excuse is rather non valid. I would let you off but seems as you didn't even apologise for coming in late, I have no choice but to give you a detention slip.'' I gasped, that is so not fair.  I guess the world really is trying its best to ruin my life, and its succeeding. ''Oh and seems as you've missed a lot of time to work, you won't be able to do the sculpture but I expect a piece of artwork portraying a emotion you feel strongly. Same deadline as your classmates.'' Then he held the door open and I walked through and sat in my seat, thinking of to draw.

By the end of the lesson all I had managed to do is scribble down a few ideas of what to do, and they were all either depressing or of things that would  enlighten people to my true self, so the latter was out. I sighed at how low and disgusting my life had got, and I put my notebook away but stayed seated as my detention started now. Man, I was going to be in shit with Michael, my foster-brother.

While Mr. Rount was saying bye to the other students I pulled out my phone and text Michael saying I would be late from school but I would clean his room, so he wouldn't tell on me, like the immature child he was.

Just as I was locking my phone and about to put it in my pocket, a hand slammed down onto my desk scaring me into dropping my phone. ''What the hell you dick?!'' I screeched then picked up my phone and angrily looked at the person and I froze when I saw it was Mr. Rount. ''I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to swear I'm so sorry please don't hurt me I'll do whatever you want just please don't hurt me I promise I-'' I was cut off when his hand reached up and I moved away thinking he was going to slap me but instead his hand caressed my face.

''You know.. you're my student, I'm your teacher, and this is completely wrong on over 100 levels, but I'm strangely attracted to you. You're just.. so beautiful. And I just.'' He shook his head and it was like his whole attitude changed. ''Get out.''

''Pardon?'' I asked, confused at his personality switch. ''I take that back, I'm lying. Get out now!'' He screamed at me and with the hand that was on my face he pushed me away and stormed out the classroom.

I shook my head absolutely confused, and ignored the tears that sprung up in my eyes and I ran out the room andd to the bus stop, and got on the next bus where I sat and tried to keep the tears in until I got to the place I was supposed to call home, even though all that was there was a family that hated me, especially Michael who liked to make my life harder than it already was.

This was all because he found me in my attic room one evening, when I was supposed to be cleaning his mess up, crying to my best and only friend, and he's used that to his strengthens ever since. Not like crying is bad, it's who, or should I say what, my best friend is.

My best friend is: my blade. And he was the only thing that listened, that helped me. Its time to go to him again. To help with this pain. To make it end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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