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I haven't written in here in a looooooonnnggg time. Sorry about that, but school and cross country and swimming and life in general made it hard for me to not be lazy and pick up the I touch. Anyways I have plenty of stories that I shall mostly share with you. They won't be in order by the way. And yes I've noticed I talk about a certain someone a lot but that's becaus he's the thing that most gets under my skin.

So the creepy dudes name is Justin, duh all weirdos are named Justin..... No offense Justin bieber. So the other day we were just about to do our cool down and Justin manages to 'accidentally' kick me in he boobs. Which not only hurt like freaking hell but he had to go ahead and make it ackward as well. So he says "Im sorry. Are you're boobies okay?". I say "they're fine. No thanks to you." he says "do you want me to massage them for you". I swam away. Very fast.

Earlier the same practice i hadn't bothered to watch where I was going and I backed full on into him. Me in a bathingsuit, him in a speedo. Not exactly the best feeling, if you get what I mean.....

Even earlier that week we had played sharks and Minos. I was almost to the other side if the pool when I feel a male body wrap itself around me to pull me up and make me a shark. At first I wasn't even concerned about the position me and (Carson) where in. I thought at first that it was Justin and since this is normal Justin behavior I didn't even give it a second thought. But when I realized it was Carson epic chaos broke loose and I think I may have kneed him in balls. A couple of times. On accident.

It's late I'm tired. Maybe more will come to me tomorrow or some other time. But for now good night! And if u have free time check out this song just for laughs: Ur so gay- Katy Perry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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