lalisa_m: hey i am screaming
jenniee: hi why?
lalisa_m: idk maybe cuz PWF JUST CAME OUT AND
jenniee: but you heard it a million times already
lalisa_m: yeah but that's not about that
jenniee: that's not about that?😂
lalisa_m: aghhh how to explain it
lalisa_m: yes, i heard it. but rn there are so many people that are hearing it for the first time and that's just soooo exciting to think about you know??
lalisa_m: it's like i'm all those people😃😃😃
lalisa_m: i wonder if my fans like's a lot different that my usual stuff
jenniee: they definitely do! the first time i heard it i thought omg this is one of the best tracks I've ever heard
lalisa_m: but that's just your opinion 😓
lalisa_m: i mean thank you uwu i worked on it really hard
lalisa_m: but what about others? what if they listen to it and will be like: eww what is this?
lalisa_m: oh god i'm about to cry noo
jenniee: don't cry!!
jenniee: not about that. of course not everyone is going to like the same things. some people will enjoy the song more and some less, and that's normal
jenniee: you can't please everyone
lalisa_m: you're right
lalisa_m: i'm just an emotional bitch sorry
jenniee: no problem absolutely
lalisa_m: haha
lalisa_m: for real thank you for everything
jenniee: for what?
lalisa_m: iiiisksnacshajankk
lalisa_m: sorry i clicked wrong
lalisa_m: :)
lalisa_m: ...thank you for responding to my messages, and for agreeing to work on pwf w me. also thank you for being so sweet to me. i really don't deserve it.
jenniee: stop saying that you deserve everything
lalisa_m: : ///
jenniee: as i said no problem. i only do things that i truly want to do, and spending my time with you was one of them. so yeah
lalisa_m: i'm crying help
jenniee: don't
lalisa_m: i'm sorry i just can't have always been my inspiration and now i'm actually talking to you and made a song with you and texting with you and you're so nice to me and-
lalisa_m: sorry i'm talking too much
jenniee: why do you say sorry so much?? there's nothing to be sorry about ok?
lalisa_m: ok
lalisa_m: sorry
lalisa_m: no shit i meant -
jenniee: 😒
lalisa_m: 😅😅
jenniee: 😊
lalisa_m: 😃
jenniee: 😉
lalisa_m: 😍
jenniee: what?
lalisa_m: NVM FUCK
lalisa_m: gtg
lalisa_m: 👋👋

🌺instagram bae🌺
Fanfictionstarted 19.8.2019 ended: cover from pinterest. -is a lgbt story, so, just a lil disclaimer: ❗if you are not comfortable with that kind of content, just don't read this story. that's all, it's simple.❗