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Four scented candles glow 
On each bathtub’s corners 
Red wine bottle almost empty 
Evokes warm sensations, bursting bubbles 
Petals of fragrant blood-red roses 
Lined along the path to the bedroom 
Amorous lips locked up, tongues twirling 
Yearning, still thirsty for more… 

Symphony of soft music fills the dim-lighted room 
Earthly desires in synch with every high and low note 
X-ray like vision reveals--spirits in cloud nine. 

Omnipotence of youth with fervor burning 
Rhythmic dance of loving souls entwined 
Gives way to climactic release of passions 
Again, and again, and again…until morning 
Sipping the last drop of nectars to contentment 
Memorable moments--seem like heaven sent 

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