Loki x Reader: Truth or Dare

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A/N: Ok, so there is a bit of snogging around the end. If you're not cool with snogging Loki, then leave. LEAVE NOW AND NEVER RETURN! Sorry, went a little Scar there.(Lion King reference) Oh, and btw, I own nothing in this fic other than the plot itself. y/n= your name. Also, I say the word sexy about a billion times and say 'damn' once. Have fun! :D

You were on your bed reading some fantasy novel when you heard a certain demi-god come through your door. Loki was now standing at the foot of your bed staring at you, arms crossed. You decided to put your book down and listen.

"(y/n), I seek entertainment and you're the person that rids my boredom. Let's do something." he said.

"And what exactly do you propose that we do?" you asked him. He sighed in a way that told you he really was bored.

"That is why I came to you, love. Though I would prefer something exciting." Loki said as he sat down next to you. You thought really hard about this one. Something exciting. Oh! You had the perfect idea!

"How about truth or dare? That's one of the most exciting games ever!" you exclaimed. Loki gave you a confused look.

"You will have to explain this midgardian custom to me. I know nothing of this 'truth or dare' you speak of." he admitted. You paused for a second to think of a way to summarize truth or dare.

"Basically, it's a game for two or more people, and each person takes a turn in either answering a question truthfully or taking a dare from one of the other people. If someone fails to do this, they lose and the game is over. Got it Loki?" you finally finished. Loki nodded in understanding and adjusted to where he was sitting cross-legged on your bed. "Alright, truth or dare?" you then asked him with a mischievous look on your face.

"I choose dare." Loki stated. Oh, the fun you could have with this one! You decided to take it easy on him, since it was his first time playing.

"I dare you to wear my cat ears and pink boa for the rest of the game." you said with a grin. Loki then got up and went to your closet to find the said items. It took him about a minute before he was once again in front of you, on your bed. He looked absolutely ridiculous, but also adorable.

"Simple. Now, truth or dare?" he shot back with that all too familiar smile. You considered your options here: Either risk being put to any task by the god of mischief, or letting him ask you anything. You were going to be highly embarrassed whether you picked one or the other. Well then.

"Truth." you said, unsure of your choice. You sensed that he had an evil plan when his smile grew even wider.

"Is it true that you find me irresistible?" Loki asked as you blushed right away. How were you supposed to answer that? Sometimes he just made your heart feel as if it was about to explode. Oh well, what do you have to lose? You met his gaze with your own. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire and to make it worse, Loki started to lightly chuckle at your awkwardness(even though he found it adorable).

"Yes. Maybe. Definitely. I don't know. STOP PLAYING MIND GAMES WITH ME!" you stuttered out. Loki then started to laugh maniacally as you used your hands to hide your face. Now he was in for it.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Hey, you can stop hiding now, love." he said while gently pushing down your hands. Loki's evil smirk had now turned into a soft, honest smile. You returned that smile, and got lost in thought for a while before you realized you still had to make him pay.

"Alright now, don't try to distract me! Truth or dare, Casanova?" you joked at him. Loki chuckled again and decided to even out the playing grounds.

"Truth." he simply stated. Well this certainly changes things. You now had the privilege of asking Loki, the god of mischief, any question. You really love this game.

"Alright, is it true that you're ticklish?" you asked him with an evil expression. Loki let out a sigh of defeat. Now you've found his weakness.

"Yes, 'tis the truth. But if you try anything, I swear that I will hide all your Supernatural DVD's!" Loki threatened. You gasped at the thought of being deprived of one of your favorite shows.

"You wouldn't!" you said to him.

"Try me." Loki shot back with an intimidating look. You decided not to risk it. This time."Now, I believe it is your turn. Truth or dare, love?" he then asked.

"Dare me, hotshot." you teased him. You could tell that every choice in this game was a wrong turn when his eyes went from intimidating to pure, yet sexy, mischief (pun intended).

"I dare you to eat your least favorite food." he said with a hint of cockiness in his voice.

"But we don't even have any (least favorite food)!" you said trying to get out of this dare. Loki then made the said food appear in his hand with a flash of green light."Oh, come on!" you said with regret at your decision.

"You were the one who chose dare." he said while handing the disgusting thing to you."Come on, you have to eat it now." Loki told you with an amused look on his face. You slowly, and regretfully, put some of the atrocious food in your mouth. You swallowed very quickly, so that you wouldn't taste it. It actually worked.

"Ok, I did it, we're done with that. Truth or dare?" you asked him with the horrid taste still barely in your mouth.

"I guess I'll bite the bullet and take dare." Loki said, a sympathetic look on his sexy face. Damn. Why do I keep thinking about his sexiness? You thought. You then decided to brainstorm some teasing things to do. Aha!

"I dare you to stay completely still for five minutes." you told him with a smirk obviously plastered across your face. He gave you a confused tilt of his head, but then nodded and sat still. Perfect! You thought.

You then crawled over to him seductively and leaned your face painfully close to his. It took all of Loki's willpower to not move. You slowly removed the pink, feathery boa from his neck and threw it over your shoulder. Starting at the base of his neck, you started kissing your way up. You let out a small chuckle when you felt him tense up, still trying to stay as still as possible.

By now, you reach his jawline. You pulled back for a few seconds, marvelling at the want in his emerald eyes. That was when your lips met his. The kiss was soft, yet sent out waves of passion that left you needing more. Loki started to kiss back. He was trying to turn the innocent, small kiss into the sexiest thing you've ever felt. You pulled away before he could do that.

There was an expression of confusion and hurt on his face when you saw it. You gave him a lust-filled grin.

"I do believe I said completely still." you told him as you teasingly pulled at his shirt collar.

"You seem to forget that you said that five minutes ago,." Loki replied. He quickly pressed you gently onto the soft bed, you now under him. Loki wasn't hesitant in pressing his longing lips to yours with fiery passion. This sudden explosion of need surprised you, but you decided to revel in it. His lips were like icy mint, and they tackled your own with more force than you could resist. As you linked your arms around his neck, he put both of his hands next to either side of your head. A faint moan escaped your mouth when he gently bit your bottom lip.

Your hands crept up into Loki's raven hair and accidentally pushed off the cat ears he had worn. He now started to run his hands up your curves as he continued his addictive assault on your mouth. You ran your tongue on his bottom lip and he gave a longing groan. Loki then decided to turn the tables, seeing as he ran his hands up your arms until he got to your hands, pinning them down above your head. OK, this is going a bit too far. You thought.

"Loki, I thought we were still gonna play the game." you said as you pulled away with a grin. His eyes met yours in an icy stare-down.

"I think we should finish later." he breathed with a mischevious smile.

Oh my. You thought.


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