🌼Two 🌼

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"Table for three." My dad said to the waiter.

The waiter nodded, "Right this way." he said walking us to a small table with three chairs around it. He pulled out the chair for my sister while my dad and I had to get our own chairs. This happened everywhere I went. The only person anyone every payed attention too was my sister. Sometimes I didn't mind, but recently I just wanted someone to focus on me.

"What would you all like to drink?" He asked looking mainly at my sister who didn't even pay attention to him.

"Water." I mumbled and the boy now looked at me.

"Alright," He looked down at his note-pad and wrote it down.

"Sprite," My sister said looking down at her phone in her hand. The boy nodded and wrote it down.

"Water," My dad said giving me a little smile.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." He said before running off.

I tapped my foot, "Dad..." I mumbled quietly. He looked a me.

"Yes sweet heart?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

"Can I enter a contest?" I asked looking down at the table. My sister looking up from her phone.

"For what?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"I um, writing music." I said quietly.

"I suppose, what do you get if you win?" He asked, as the boy came back and placed our drinks in-front of us with menus before running off again.

"Well uh I get to help them co-write songs and maybe go on tour..." I said and took my water in both of my hands taking a small slip.

"Okay you can do it." he said. Suddenly a smile broke out on my face. Not a fake one like I would normally give but a real one.

My sister rolled her eyes and mouthed to me 'You'll never make it.' My smile faded. Of course she would say that. Honestly she has been more I don't know how to explain she was mean before but now shes a straight bitch.

I tapped my foot on the ground and sighed looking through the menu. A couple moments later the waiter came back. " Are you all ready to order?" He asked and we all put our menus down.

"I would like a salad." My sister said giving the boy a sly grin.

I rolled my eyes, " I would like grilled chicken."

"I'll have a salad with Megan." My dad said gathering the menu and handing them to the boy.

The boy smiled, "Thank you I'll be back with your food shortly."

Once he walked away we sat in silence. My sister went back to messing around on her phone and my dad pulled his phone out.

"Megan how was your day?" He asked my sister trying to fill the silence. She just shrugged and continued playing on her phone. My dad sighed. "(Y/N) so about the contest your entering, " He started and I looked at him humming a little waiting for him to continue speaking. "Since, you're only seventeen I will be facetiming you once a week at random to make sure that you are doing what you said you would be doing if you win."

I nodded, "Okay."

Just as I said okay the waiter came back with our food. He sat the grilled chicken in-front of me and a salad in-front of my dad and sister. After the waiter was done, he left saying, " Enjoy the meal."

_________________________________Skip Time___________________________________

____________________________Five Hours______________________________

I plopped down in my bed putting my wet hair up and opening up my laptop. I typed in the website for the contest and waited for it to load. Once it loaded I got up and walked over to my school bag and began writing down ideas for the song. I began to write.

' Me and Kurt feel the same too much pleasure is pain

My girl spites me in vain, all I do is complain

She need something to change, need to take of the edge

So fuck it all tonight '

I read over the lines and sang them the way I wanted them to sound, before continuing.

' And don't tell me to shut up

When you know you talk too much

But you don't got shit to say '

The lyrics I thought up earlier came back to mind.

' I want you out of my head

I want you out of my bed room tonight

There's no way I can save you

'Cause I need to be saved, too

I'm no good at goodbyes '

Marlboro Nights [Post Malone X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now