ch 1

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Bianca's POV

September 25, 2027, 5:00 A.M.


     I wake up and look out my window, only to see factories, cars, and houses. I sigh and turn on the news only to see "Another Animal Gone Extinct!" I frown and turn off the television. I think about my childhood with beautiful trees, animals, and clean air. 

"I can't believe I'm 17 next month."

 I end my stupid walk through memory lane and get ready for my first day of my junior year. I wear basic jeans and a t-shirt, my hair straight. I put on my shoes, and my mask, and head to the bus stop. The bus finally comes and of course, there are so seats. I walk up to this random guy and awkwardly ask, "Hey, can I sit with you? There are no seats.." He nods and replies, "Sure! I'm Mason, I'm new here so I don't really know anyone. What is your name?" I sit down on the edge of the seat, like an idiot, and tell him my name. The bus starts rolling down the trash filled streets very, very, very slowly.. We both sit there in an awkward silence as all of the other people are screaming and talking with their friends. I've never had many friends. Mason suddenly says out of nowhere, "You know... You're really pretty." I can't exactly see but I can tell he is smiling. I blush and reply with, "T-Thank you.. You aren't too bad yourself." He laughs a bit, and then we arrive to the huge school, Oakwood Academy. (We live in Oakwood, but there isnt much oak, or wood.) 

My school is for smarter students, so you would think that they are all little angels, but sorry to say, you are badly mistaken. Most of the people here are nice to you on occasion. Some aren't even assholes at all! The worst people in the whole school are Veronica and her plastic minions, Becky and Ava. If they don't like you, they do not like you. The sad thing is, me and Veronica used to be best friends. But she left me for the popular boys and she was 'too rich to be my friend'. She is rich, that's no lie. Her mask was made clear with diamonds around the perimeter so everyone can see her plastic-filled lips. She's had so much surgery, It's really starting to catch up to her.

I walk into the school and get out my schedule and walk to my locker, only to see Mason next to my locker. "What's up?" I ask, puzzled. He laughs and says, "My locker is here, duh. Why?" My eyes widen and I almost start cheering. This really super duper cute boy has the locker right next to mine! I snap out of this fangirl moment and look at the locker next to Mason. I almost cry. Veronica, Becky AND Ava are next to Mason, obviously flirting with him. I can't believe I didn't realize that bitch coming over. I'm an idiot! I angrily slam my locker shut and walk to my first class with Mason behind me, embarrassed.

I can't believe those whores are ALREADY flirting with Mason! And I can't believe I was stupid enough to think Mason could even like me! My eyes fill with tears but I hold back and wipe my eyes. I walk into class and slump into my seat. This is going to be a shitty year.

Hey! Sorry this chapter is so short but I don't know what to write. Plz don't bully me (kaya) because I actually tried on this one <3

Idk if im ganna continue dis but who knows

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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