High School

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3:30 rolled around, and the campus of Trenton High School filled with the sound of a ringing bell, and then an inundation of kids into the schools back parking lot. A warm Friday in the month of May, a slight breeze blew through lot, tossing trash amongst the cars, and sweeping the hair back of the students who were turned just right. One student in particular was forced to hold his hat on his head, before spinning the bill backwards to keep the wind from catching it again. The fair haired boy stood against the brick wall, his trig book held lackadaisically in his hand. As people walked by him, some stopped to talk, others yelled out "JOHNNY," with a wave of the hand, or passed by and called him a faggot, in which he replied with bitch, and both laughed loudly. He looked off into the parking lot, sighing aggravated as a push came from behind him, causing him to stumble forward to regain his balance.

The boy who pushed him laughed, helping him up, and recoiling as Johnny punched him in the chest. Dustin recoiled, laughing again as the two grabbed hands, and bumped fists. The two had known each other since middle school, when Johnny moved to town. Both were football players and in their junior year of high school, the 16 year olds were the best of friends.

"So we still set for tonight," Dustin asked, walking with his fingers hooked to the drawstring bag on his back.

"Yea man talked with Emily today, she's good to go," Johnny replied with a mischievous smile, unlocking the doors to his car. Both got in, Dustin recoiling a bit as the smell of stale french-fries his him in the nose, matched with something else that smelled vaguely like piss. Dustin didn't have a car though so he wasn't going to complain.

"So what did she have to say to her Mom to let her come," Dustin asked, looking at his phone.

"Nothing, she's on some business trip...plus she only thinks were watching a movie," Johnny replied, both laughing again loudly as Johnny sped out of the parking lot. Rap music rocked the car as they rolled down the curvy roads, only a short drive before they pulled into Johnny's drive way. They both jumped out of the car, moving up the walk way to the small house. Johnny opened up the door to the empty house, and both walked in, a musty smell obvious to neither of them from both being so familiar with the place. Both moved through the doorway of the empty house, Dustin asking where everyone was. "Dad's working night shift, so he left Tommy with my grandma," Johnny replied. Tommy was Johnnies 4 year old brother, both of who had suffered greatly with the accidental death of their mother the year before.

The two moved to Johnnie's room, Dustin tossing his bag on the dusty wooden floor and flopping on the bed, and Johnny moving to his bathroom, unzipping his shorts and filling the formerly silent rooms with the sound of him peeing, not even bothering to shut the door.

"Dude," Johnny said, causing Dustin to look up to Johnny with his back turned to him in the bathroom, but stripping out of his clothes. "Order some pizza real fast; Emily said she'll be here about 5."

"Gotcha Man," he said rolling off the unmade bed and waking into the kitchen to get the phone book. He called the number and ordered three pizzas, then checking the fridge for beer, and the liquor cabinet, smiling at both.

A half hour later the pizza arrived at the house, to be received by the two, both of whom had showered and changed, Dustin having to wear some of Johnnies clothes, forgetting his own. Being a few inches taller, and a little broader in the shoulders, the shirt was stretched tight to Dustin's broad muscular frame.

The house smelt of pizza, and Hollister cologne when the doorbell rang for a second time that night. Dustin was in the bathroom when Emily entered the house, welcomed in by Johnny. Living only a few minutes down the road, she'd simply just walked, and being a freshman, her only viable mode of transportation. Her thin frame was dressed in a simple white cotton dress, cutting off just above her knees. Johnny looked her over, bottom to top, stopping at little longer than he probably should have at the small bit of cleavage exposed from the dresses v-line. Dustin walked out of the bathroom, his charismatic, sweet smile brightening the room. Emily was obviously surprised, thinking it was only going to be her and Johnny watching the movie, but she recovered well and said hello.

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