come be my teacher - seokjin

866 13 28

Song: "Trouble" by RM and Jin

The bell rings for the end of school and you and the rest of your classmates sit still, because apparently 'the bell doesn't dismiss you I do'

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The bell rings for the end of school and you and the rest of your classmates sit still, because apparently 'the bell doesn't dismiss you I do'. According to Mr. Kim.

"You all may go. And I won't forget to check the homework, so you all better do it."

Lazy ass kids. You hear him mutter under his breath.

All of the students collectively gather their things and leave to go home, saying goodbye to Mr. Kim as he holds the door open for them to leave.

Mr. Kim is your 12th grade film teacher. He's pretty cool but also very strict when it comes to assignments, its apart of his job after all to make sure everyone is successful.

He's so hot too. He's the hottest teacher at your school. All the single, even married, female teachers are always following his every move wondering when he can meet them for coffee or dinner.

But he rejects them all, saying he has his eyes on a "special" someone.

You're the last one to finally grab all your things and head for the door. But Mr. Kim closes the door before you can walk out. And....he locks it.

"Uh, Mr. Kim I still --"

"Y/n come sit down. I have to discuss something with you. About your last test."

"Oh my gosh, did I fail?! My mom is gonna beat my a-- my mom isn't going to be so happy. I studied all night how could I fail?!"

You're so close to having a legit breakdown that Mr. Kim has to hold your wrists and sit you down. You've been making straight A's the entire school year and now is not the time to mess up.

"I know how much of a good student you are. Always early to class, attentive during lectures, homework turned in on time, and 100's on all of your test. Which is why I find it odd that you've taken a sudden decline."

"I studied all night for that test. I was sure I'd passed it. Can I see it please?!" You begged.

Mr. Kim was lowkey turned on by the panicked look in your eyes. He knows your plans after school is to get into the top university in the state, and so he decided to use that as an advantage over you.

"You'll see it when I post it on the class website. Or I can send it to the university admission's counselor."

Your eyes widened when he said that. He couldn't be seriously thinking of doing that.

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