Proudkit (c), Shiningkit (c), Bramblekit (c) and Hopkit (c)

51 1 5

This picture was chosen by -Duskheart- who won round 24 (Cloudkit)

Kitten 32 is a brown tabby tom with brown eyes. He is proud and the biggest of his littermates so he thinks he should be the first to do anything.
Kitten 33 is a silver tabby she-kit with pale blue eyes. She is the runt of the litter and the attention seeker. She likes to be in centre of attention.
Kitten 34 is a brown tabby tom with brown eyes. He is calm and sensible. He is the smartest out of the litter.
Kitten 35 is a grey tabby tom with pale blue eyes. He is silly and playful. He is the clow of the litter.

Kitten 32

1. Tigerkit -Free_spirit-
2. Strikekit -ShadowBite0
3. Pouncekit -Beecafe
4. Bramblekit gxlactea-
5. Proudkit -warriorthunder1


Proudkit (warriorthunder1 )
Runner up:
Strikekit (ShadowBite0 )

Kitten 33

1. Silverkit -Free_spirit-
2. Pebblekit -ShadowBite0
3. Shinekit -Beecafe
4. Shiningkit -gxlactea-
5. Leafkit -warriorthunder1


Shiningkit (gxlactea- )
Runner up:
Silverkit (Free_spirit- )

Kitten 34

1.  Bramblekit -Free_spirit-
2. Raccoonkit-ShadowBite0
3. Mudkit -Beecafe
4. Thornkit -gxlactea-
5. Torrentkit -warriorthunder1


Bramblekit (Free_spirit- )
Runner up:
Thornkit (gxlactea- )

Kitten 35

1. Bouncekit -Free_spirit-
2. Scamperkit -ShadowBite0
3. Hopkit-Beecafe
4. Cloudkit -gxlactea-
5. Wrigglekit -warriorthunder1


Hopkit (Beecafe )
Runner up:
Bouncekit (Free_spirit- )

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