Reunion ~1~

285 17 7

I also added a reference
Michael P.O.V
Three Days after they move out of the old base and move into the new one!

Brandon, Ritchie, David, and I was finally done moving everything into the new base and started to go back to the school. On the walk back David and Ritchie were walking in the front, while Brandon and I walking behind them.

"Hey, Michael you good?" Brandon questionably whispered to me. "You seem a little down."

I look over to Brandon, then to Ritchie, then back to Brandon, and sigh. "I just kinda missed them, Ritchie and yourself look so much like them," I respond

"Michael it been like 12 years, Stop putting so much pressure on yourself!" Brandon then whispered shouted

"I know I know," I said looking down slightly

"Hey, went was the last time you saw them?" Brandon question, looking at me expectantly

I started to think about the last time I saw them. "I think I saw them at the academy when we had the celebration," I said but then noticed that we all stopped walking, and David and Ritchie were staring us down.

"Saw who at the celebration?" Ritchie asked us. Brandon looked at me with a 'Explain to them.' Type of Face

"Umm... well my old friends that I used to work and hang out with," I respond not giving them to many details. "I saw them at the celebration."

"So did you go talk to them or what?" David asked me.

I shook my head no. "Well not exactly."

"Well, why not?" David asked

I then looked down before saying "I don't think, I can ever face them again."

"What are their names?" Ritchie then asked me.

Third POV Real quick

Just before Michael respond to them, Four Superhero walked up and stood behind Michael. (Brandon was standing by Ritchie and David, and they were all in their normal clothes. Ritchie (SHA) has the Frost tips in his hair, And Brandon (SHA) has his Metal bracelet thing) But Michael didn't notice them, but he started to tear up, as he mumbled something.

"What was that?" Ritchie asked

Back to Michael POV

I clear my throat before saying "Their names were Ritchie, Austin, Brandon, and Mario! They were my best friends. Ritchie, Austin, and Mario were my friends for about 27 years now and Brandon for at least 13 years. But I left them about 12 years ago." I choked out.

David looked worried as he looked behind me, then look back at me "Why did you leave them?," Then had a confused look on his face "and how are you so old!" I looked at him through the tears in my eyes.

"You see, I'm not who I make myself out to be, I'm a shapeshifter. After what happened 22 years ago, I was trapped in my dog form for 10 years. Who you now know as Stuff, Ritchie old pet dog. Went I was turned back, my team and I were reunited again. But there was something wrong with me and there still is, I couldn't age anymore, and I was stuck at the age of 15 years old"

I said taking a breath before starting again "I was so upset at the fact that I wouldn't grow older with my friends, and stay the same age for the rest of my life, that I made the decision to runaway, and went into hiding, hoping that they will just forget about me. About five years later, I felt something urging me to go somewhere, so I just followed it and it lead me back to the old Superhero scanner and it turned on somehow and hit me gaining my new power electricity just like my friend, Mario! Apparently, I had two powers instead of one, which was kind of weird. About three years after that, I met Brandon, I was terrified at first but it was a different person and somewhere down the line I told him my biggest secret, and we had been friends ever since we met." I finally finished explaining and was now crying, I looked up towards them.

David and Ritchie was looking at me with a shock looked in their faces. I then heard a sigh, then cough behind me, so I froze up, and slowly turned around to see four very familiar heroes.

Ritchie, Austin, Mario, and Brandon were all standing behind me, with sad and angry faces, Ritchie arms were crossed.

"Hello, Michael," Ritchie said to me uncrossing his arm and walking towards me, and stopped 10 inches in front of me, him being so much taller than me. (Ritchie is at least 6'7 and Michael is 4'5) He had a sympathetic but kinda piss expression.

"H-Hi g-guys!" I spoke with a shaky voice. "Long time, no see!" The rest of the group walked up beside Ritchie.

"You don't say, Michael!" Austin said pissed but kind a relief

"Not cool Michael not cool," Mario said calm expression

"Let not talk here in front of the academy, people are going to start to come around," David said looked looking at the clock in the middle of the academy people we're going to start coming in for classes

"Yeah I want to know more about this!" exclaim (Frosted tips) FT-Ritchie looking Ritchie up and down "dam we kinda look like" he said under his breath

"Fine, But your not off the Dog house just yet Michael!" Ritchie said as everyone started walking away from the school.

"Wait what about school?" (Fire) F-Brandon asked with a dead plant expression, "We still got to go class."

"Oh don't worry about that," Ritchie said as he put out his phone, and called someone one, then looked at me. "What are their names again Michael?"

"Ritchie, Brandon, and David," I respond as Brandon and Ritchie had a wide eyes, but quickly shook it off. "Or I guess to not confuse the two we will call him FT-Ritchie and F-Brandon."

Brandon just looks back towards the direction were walking in. As Ritchie finishes his call. "You guys are all officially excused from school for today." The Younger Group nodded

A Male with a sign with 'Time Skip' on it

Third Person POV

About 8 minutes later FT-Ritchie and David were bombarding Ritchie, Austin, Mario, and Brandon with questions like 'How they met' and like 'What happened when that got their power?' And etc. They were trying to answer as many as they could, but they were asking as many questions as Grian using fireworks.

The Start Of Thunder Bark
Thank you Lost_Cen

Word Count- 1022

Thunder Bark? (SHR/SHHS and SHA)  _Maybe slow update_Where stories live. Discover now