Chapter 1

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      I woke this morning to the same sight every day. The snow creeping upon my small window. My bed is small and somewhat soft from the wool blankets. My room was dark until I used fire to light the candle. Everything is the same and will always be the same. I yearn for the adventure but I'm locked away here, in this fort.

      The fort we were housed at was called Fort Sterling. The fort is tall and hangs off the side of the coast. The bridge is long and straight across a vast valley. You can't see the bottom of the valley because a thick fog covers it. It was located within the Northwestern part of the Kingdom. The Kingdom we lived in was called Parra and conquered the known world. It went from the top to the bottom of the continent and even holds small islands on the southern coast.

      The humans here are treated as second class citizens and are inferior to the Elves. Humans who are born with magic are sent to these forts until their seventeenth birthday. Then they are sent somewhere. Elves are barley sent to these forts but some are sent to learn.

       I start my morning the same every day, I get dressed in my clothes which is a collared brown shirt with a tattered blue cape that drapes upon my shoulders and neck. The metal that connects the cape is silver with the fort's symbol on it. I leave my room to the cool narrow hallway to see two of my friends walking past. The one on the right was Annabelle who was a half-elf because of her silver hair and her short tipped ears. The other one was Jack who had a dark complexion and short black curly hair.

"Hey, guys wait up," I said waving and rushing over to them.

"Oh hey, Abel!" Annabelle said turning around and waving.

As I jogged towards them I lost my footing and tripped on the stone floor.

"Yo watch out Abel don't need you to die before we leave," Jack said coming back and giving me a helping hand.

"Don't worry about me it's gonna take a lot more than a fall to kill me," I said laughing and brushing myself off.

"I was just asking Jack if he was ready," Annabelle said.

"Ready?" , I asked, "Ready for what?"

"The Test that is happening in two days," she said with a big frown.

"What!" I said with my jaw dropped.

"Yeah it's the placement test for "us," she said with a more angry tone.

"Well not really but let's get to class," I said walking down the hallway.

       We walked into a long hall that was adorned with the Kingdom's banners. The floor is cold stone and the desks were dark wood. The room was circler and lead down to the teacher. The teacher was the same teacher we had since we came here.

       When I arrived here I was only a few months old. All children show signs of magic at the age of five but I was brought here as soon as I was born. The Elves here thought this was weird but never questioned me. The only thing that was with me was my name "Abel". I saw each kid in my class arrive here.Annabelle, Jack, and I all took our seats and grabbed our books. We saw the teacher whom we all called Mr. E stand from his chair.

"Good Morning kids another frigid day for us," Mr. E says while grabbing chalk.

"Good Morning Mr. E,'' the whole class says while sighing.

"Does anyone know the two groups magic is listed in?" he asked going to the chalkboard and drawing two sides. He then proceeds to call on a kid in the front.

"It's Arcane and Elemental," they said in a very snobby way.

"Very good Cloven." Mr. E said writing each one on the board, "Now how about a few examples?"

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