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after 20 years , 

arhaan was sitting on the breakfast table with hoor on his left side . asmara (20 years old ) was on his right side and wajdaan( 18 years old , their son )  was beside asmara . 

many things have changed with passing time , but arhaan's love for hoor was still the same . he still treated her as if she was made of glass. he still served her food before he started eating himself .

once hoor was done with her food , arhaan got up and went to his room to get his stuff for office . he had just exited the dining area when asmara raised her hand and started the countdown . by the time , she got to one , they heard arhaan 's voice , who was calling for hoor . " i cant find my cell , please come and help me " it was his excuse for today . 

wajdaan started chuckling " mom go , before dad comes to wish you goodbye over here " asmara also started laughing . hoor got up , her cheeks getting flushed with embarassment . 

wajdaan and asmara both knew that their dad cant leave without wishing their mom , or giving her instructions about taking care of herself . 

hoor entered the room and saw arhaan all ready to go , his phone in his hand . arhaan went close to her and kissed her forehead and then hugged her , his lips kissing the top of her head " take care of yourself" arhaan said and moved a bit back . 

hoor glared at him , pursing her lips " you need to stop calling me after breakfast . they understand , what you do " she said . 

arhaan bit her reddening cheek " i will tell them, not to understand anything " he teased her , a smile playing on his lips . 

" arhaan !!!!! "hoor said punching his shoulder lightly . arhaan looked at the love of his life . she looked elegant and graceful , and a lot younger than her age . 

" i love you " arhaan said and pecked her lips . hoor closed her eyes enjoying his affection . 

"our kids are in college . you need to stop now " hoor said . 

" my kids going to college means that i should stop loving you ? where is it written ? i will continue loving you like this even after we become grandparents . "arhaan said and kissed her ear . hoor shooked her head . 

by the time , they headed out of the room , asmara and wajdaan had already left for their classes. 

they studied in the same college . hoor was the best mother , they could have wished for . she loved them to no end , even when they made some mistake , she explained them the right thing and then let them choose what they wanted to do . 

even when they required scolding , it came from their dad , hoor could never scold them . her all anger and glares were for arhaan only . 


Assalam ualaikm friends ! heres a short update :) i will update more soon , so be patient. 

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