Chapter 1

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Lia's P.O.V

"Lia,you better get ready for school,you're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" My mom yelled outside my room."Yeah,sure!" I yelled back.Finally,last year of high school.School wasn't that bad,its just that all the drama and this and that,yeah,that sucks.I got out of bed and took a nice warm shower.Malaysia always been hot,but in 5:30 in the morning,oh,its the opposite of hot.I got out of the bathroom and put on my clothes,black skinny jeans,a Iron Maiden muscle tee and my worn-out black converse.I wasn't that type of girl who wears super short ass skirts that when i bend down BOOM you can see my panties.Girls in my school basically dressed up as a fucking princess,and i?Ha,i ain't one of them.I went downstairs and had breakfast,and no,it sucks cause my mom is basically "Eco-green" (vegetarian)."Bye mom,bye dad!" i shouted as i left the house.

I walked over to Michael's house as we walk together to school everyday.I rang the doorbell and the white haired boy came out in his usual outfit : black skinny jeans,a band tee and black converse."Morning,Mr Clifford." i said to him."Morning to you too Mrs.Lee" "Shall we?" i asked as i put out my arm for him to grab."We shall,babe,we shall".Michael,my super awesome best bud in the world.He might be gay,but he don't dress gay,neither did he even kissed a guy or had sex with one of them,it's pretty weird to be honest.Michael and i walked down the streets and finally we have reach prison.We went in and go to our separate ways,even though me and Michael are best friends,we still need some girl bonding/guy bonding time right?I sat at my usual place with my other 6 friends : Kourtney,Emma,Stacy,Caroline,Cassie and Susie.We've been best friends ever since high school started but you know,those drama shit,yup,that happened before,but not between us,is my other "friend" Perry.

This is how it started,back when we were in 1st grade,Perry,me and my girls are in the same class,so she dated one of my bros.I didn't know by then so i kept hanging out with him.She got pretty pissed at me and she assumed that i like him.Whoah,i got pretty offended to be honest,i mean anyone who got into a situation like this will get offended.It didn't really bother me though,i mean,why?After a dew,this and that everything went back to normal but i still fucking dislike her.Flashback over,now back to reality.I felt someone's hand around my waist,and a soft whisper : "Hey babe,are you doing anything tonight?".Shit,the school bastards,okay let me get this straight,they may be one year older than me but i fucking hate them."Yeah,im doing Michael." i snapped at them."Michael?I thought he's gay?" "Yeah,he is" "But you said you're doing him tonight.It means you're gonna fuck him?You're gonna fuck a gay dude?Hahahaha".Urgh,i can't stand them anymore.They've been bugging me ever since we know each other,its more of an acquaintance i suppose so.

The school bell rang and everyone went into class,me and Michael don't really have any classes together,well except sex education class.I know,ew right?But its a yes for me.I'm pretty dirty minded since i hangout with boys more than the girls so having this class is pretty no big deal for me."Okay class,please take your seat." Mr.Green said.We took our seats and Michael came up and sat right next to me."Hey babe,how are you?" "Pretty good.It started off by lying to the bastards that im doing you tonight." "Wait,what?" "One of the bastards came and ask if im doing anything tonight,so i said i'm doing you" "Baby,you know i'm not into the P's,i'm into the D's." I laughed and nod my head,even though Michael's gay.I always had a crush on him,he's just so cute and that teethy smile he does its just unbearable you know?

Author's note : 

Hey guys!So i finally finished a chapter,and i change a few things in the story.I'm sorry,i just had to,cause that's how the story goes babes.You can follow me on twitter or instagram if you want to :)
@liannxe (twitter)
@lianne_lee (instagram)

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