thanks, man.

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He'd been sipping on Coca-Cola all night.

Unofficially assigned designated driver? His own personal decision to cut out alcohol from his life for the most part?

Whatever it was, the facts still stood; he was sober with a throbbing headache from the entirely too loud music in this club (and maybe because he hadn't eaten all day) and Cody was absolutely trashed dancing in the swarm of people that littered this club.

Even in the low light, he could see sweat reflecting off his face and the pinkish glow the alcohol gave him. His hair fell in the perfect swoop that it always did only now it looked a little stringy and wavy due to the heat in the room. He watched as Cody ran his fingers through his hair, brushing it out of his own face.

He shouldn't even be here right now. Kelsey should be here having fun with him out there. They should both be getting all too fucking drunk and taking a Lyft back to their apartment where God only knows what they'd do. Noel knew Cody and Kelsey's relationship to be wholesome and good, but goddamn were they chaotic with each other. Alone in their apartment, both completely plastered? God help their neighbors.

He himself should be at home right now. He should be spending time with Aleena or editing or eating something or, I don't know, taking some ibuprofen for this fucking headache.

And yet, Kelsey had to go out of town almost a week ago for some reason that Cody told him earlier today but the pounding in his head wouldn't let him remember. Something with her family and Cody told him that she didn't even know when she'd be able to come home.

So now, he's here spending his Friday night nursing a fucking Coke and babysitting Cody at a birthday party for a person he doesn't even know.

He hates the power Cody holds over him. He really shouldn't let it happen but he does. Cody wouldn't be able to hold control over a fly, but Noel still lets it happen to himself. He still lets his decisions get swayed faster than they ever should be swayed by a friend. Noel hates to admit it. Yeah, he puts on this tough outer shell and makes it seem like he's a man of his own word and most of the time he is.

But then Cody came around.

And that stupid, ambitious, confident, cute ass makes him do stuff he would normally never.

"Come on, man. You need a night out anyways. Treat yourself, bro," Cody had pleaded with him as he patted him on the shoulder. And it was just like that. Now he's here.

The song that was playing died down and the second the next song started playing, everyone and their cousin went absolutely apeshit. He watched as Cody yelled and raised his hands in the air. He seemed to have lost his balance and almost ate shit before a man that had to be at least 5 inches taller than him caught him and balanced him again.

A twinge. A small jealous twinge right in Noel's stomach.

"Okay, okay. That's enough," he said to himself before standing up from his seat and walking over to where Cody was. He could tell the exact moment that Cody saw his face because it lit up and the smile on his face was... how the hell do you put this... adorable.

"Noooeeel!" Cody yelled over the blasting music and raised his arms as if to welcome in a hug from his friend. "How's it hangin', my man?" Cody slurred out as he enveloped himself over Noel's body.

"Oh, shit, bro," Noel let out as he patted Cody on the back and pulled away from the heavy hug. He looked Cody in the eyes but Cody couldn't stay focused on anything. His vision was lost, looking at Noel but almost staring through him, a glazed look when the low lights from the club hit his eyes at the right angle. "Yo, I think it's time we bounce," Noel yelled over the rumbling of the music.

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