Where the story takes place

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So if you have read the summoning wand chapter you know that the "plot of land" is we're Everyone is in every chapter prier to Chapter Draco x Neville.If you have watched Bride of discoed a Mlp Audio Drama you would know that Discord gets a plot of land so he can use his powers in that spot we're no one will get harmed.Someone unknown gave Victoria this change and gave her a huge plot of land in the middle of nowhere so everyone can stay.The plot of land is a Huge mansion we're their is a room added whenever someone joins in as a main character of the story their bedroom is randomly generated on their personalities and what they like.Because of that the mansion always gets bigger almost every week because of how many people their are in different ships.I will be adding Tonks,Mad Eye Moody,Minerva McGonagall,Molly,Arthur, Fleur,Bill,Charlie,Percy,Dobby,Hagrid,Dudley,Murtle,Vernon,Petunia, Goyle, Crabbe,Oliver,And Lockhart really soon! Their is also a land that is able to make a random Muggle place appear,Such as when we made a Denny's Appear.

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