When Lightning Strikes: Chapter 19

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I left the Levine’s after I had helped Camille wash the dishes and Delilah with reciting the alphabet. She was steadily getting better but she always thought ‘W’ was ‘Two V’s’, as it did look like two V’s intertwined. She was smart. I had never noticed that until a few years ago when I first started taking French as a subject.

When my dad’s car had appeared on the driveway, Jason had sneakily kissed on cheek, before opening the door for me like a gentleman. I could still feel it there and I didn’t want to wash it off. Now I sounded like an obsessed fan girl.

I was cheerful about the fact that today was Sunday, as that meant a day with Ruby. I was looking forward to catching up with her, even if she had feelings for my ex. I think I was slowly starting to get over that because of my new experience with Jason.

When I reached home, mom questioned me about my bubbly mood. I had said nothing and she had raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Oh, if only she knew.

Aubrey had gone out which made me feel even more comfortable in my home. I texted Ruby once I reached my room.

Sunday sesh! Want to come over now? (: xoxo

I added the smiley-face emoticon in case Ruby still thought that I was uncomfortable around her.

My reply came five minutes later: I wouldn’t have thought you wanted to have one since … you know, but I’m glad you do. I’ll be over in ten! Xoxo

A smile blossomed on my face. I was eager to know what happened between her and Vince. He was a really great guy and if he was her boyfriend, then I completely approved. If it were another guy, I’d have to get to know him a little first before fully trusting him.

I went downstairs to grab some cashews we could chew on while we talked and sat on the couch while waiting. I couldn’t believe that this was the spot I had first kissed Jason. My skin warmed at the thought of him. I wasn’t sure whether to tell Ruby. It wasn’t like Vince, where I could flaunt him and excitedly tell the world that he was mine. No, this was different. My story with Jason was … different. More intimate. More secretive.

When I saw Ruby’s car pull up on the gravel outside, I rushed to the door and squealed.

“You look excited to see me,” Ruby said with a small laugh.

I nodded, pulling her inside. “I sure am! I want to know all about you and Vince!”

Ruby wryly smiled. “Are you ok? You’re so ... hyper and happy.”

“Why can’t I be happy?” I questioned with mock hurt. “Now come on, tell me all the juicy details.”

She sat down next to me cautiously. “Well … I bumped into him at his aunt’s bakery yesterday. He was behind the till, so I couldn’t avoid him.”

“His aunt Florence? You should meet her, she’s really nice.” I paused, realising that maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. I didn’t want to remind Ruby of the fact that I used to date Vince. I could tell it was making her feel worse. “Anyway, so what happened?! Did he ask you out on a date?”

She was staring into space. “No. We just looked at each other. I was blushing so much that I must have resembled a tomato. He only said hello to me and wished me a good day.”

My jaw dropped. The Vince I knew would have immediately wooed her. I wondered what was holding him back. Was he scared that Ruby wasn’t into him? Or did he feel bad for liking her when she was my best friend?

“I can’t believe this,” I muttered, thinking. “You should tell him how you feel! That way he’ll know for sure if you like him. And …” I hesitated. “You should tell him once again that I completely approve.”

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