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The world was spinning around him, or it was more as if he was in such a state of confusion and mixed feelings that the world appeared to be spinning around him. His mind screamed for it to stop, but his body refused to listen. Regaining his focus turning his head to the right noticing a large mass lying across the floor, a body perhaps he could not quite tell now. Therefore, he turned his head to the left, the bright haze from the moon reflected through the window onto the face of a young woman who stared at him wildly, fresh tears running down her rose coloured cheeks. How could you do this she screamed at him, how could you do this Ronin how could you! Repeatedly she screamed the same words at him each time her tone grew louder and fresher tears threatened to spill across her already soaked face.

What had he done he wondered to himself as he finally looked down where he had slumped down to his knees on the wet cold ground. His attention had been brought there by the dripping noise he heard, thick liquid sliding through his open hands as the moonlight from the window castes over him. His eyes took in the blood covering his hands so much that there was no exposed skin left to see under the red stains. The man was so focused on finding where the blood has come from, was it his blood or someone else's blood he did not know. He had drowned out the young woman's screams as she continued to repeat her words about how could he have done this. He still did not understand what he had done...

In that moment it felt like time had stopped when he followed the trail of blood down with his eyes and they fell onto the body of a woman a few centimetres from a bloody knife laying right beside the body, in that moment everything came rushing back to him. Visions of the events that had taken place haunted his mind as he watched in horror as he plunged the steel blade of the knife into the body of the woman who now lay on the ground. Lillian, a weak voice echoed through his mind you killed Lillian. When the vision finally passed the man sat there, his whole body shaking as tears spilled from his eyes. He had killed the woman he loved, failed in his duty to fight away The Darkness and protect the Child of Light. As he felt the world around him suddenly turn to black, thunder rolled in the distance and lighting flashed across the window, an enormous laugh filled the sky and everything faded lost in time and space forever.

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